All Classes and Interfaces

Implements the basic methods for an authorization callback.
Abstract implementation for JdbcConnectionProviders.
Abstract implementation of a preference node.
Common functionality of a preferences service.
Abstract implementation of a reader that can filter characters.
A location address.
Creates random number of values from a builder.
Interface that defines a callback for getting user authorizations.
BCrypt implements OpenBSD-style Blowfish password hashing using the scheme described in "A Future-Adaptable Password Scheme" by Niels Provos and David Mazieres.
A comparator based on a list of bean properties.
Default bean implementation for IValueProvider.
Uses salted Blowfish hashes from BCrypt.
Interface for test factory Builder pattern
Helps using the builder pattern.
Command generate.
Subcommand "generate key-pair".
Subcommand "generate password".
Subcommand "generate secret-key".
Sub command "list"
Implements a combined strategy to hash passwords.
Implements authorization information retrieval from command line.
Common Utils.
Supports compression.
Useful methods for configuration issues.
All continents on this planet.
Countries on this planet.
Provides cron-like scheduling information.
Base class for timing values.
Never matches any time.
Represents a single time value, e.g.
Represents the ALL time, *.
Represents a time range, e.g.
Represents a time interval, e.g.
The class for signing and verifying signatures.
Utils for date and time.
The class for decrypting strings.
Exception thrown from decryption process.
Implements authorization information retrieval from configuration object.
Default comparator for objects.
Implements basic crypting decrypting.
Creates a crypting delegator.
Returns the password given in configuration.
Can calculate the distance between two strings.
A dummy implementation that actually does not hash any password but uses the plain password.
Class for encrypting strings.
Exception thrown from encryption process.
Basic function for helping in encryption.
Selects values from an enumeration (randomly).
Selects the Environment.
Keeps track of a runtime environment.
Extends PasswordHasher by a method to detect responsibility.
Utility to find a file on disk.
Implements authorization information retrieval from pop-up dialog.
Implementation of Hamming Distance.
Collected methods which allow easy implementation of hashCode.
Connection provider for HyperSQL (HSQLDB) file databases.
Connection provider for HyperSQL (HSQLDB) remote server databases.
A simple definition of a cache.
Marks an object as self-configurable.
Delegate for encrypting and decrypting.
Interface for factories creating crypting delegates.
Returns the name of a DataSource.
Tells whether an object has changed or not.
Provides check methods for the IgnoreTest annotation.
Annotates a Java object to be ignored in tests.
Provides a name for the Hibernate dialect class
An object having an ID.
An interface for generically providing JDBC connections.
Enhanced IJdbcConnectionProvider which allows more control on connection provider settings.
An Integer builder.
A callback that will deliver passwords.
A node in a hierarchical collection of preference data.
The preference service.
Wraps an Iterator.
Interface that can provide URIs.
Interface that can provide URLs.
Converts names to URLs.
Interface for an object that can retrieve a certain property from an object.
A wrapper marker.
Describes a JAR file
The class for generating key pairs.
CLI execution for KeyGen.
Reflection and language Utils.
Implements Levensstein distance.
Provided values as a list from another builder (randomly).
Replacement for RsMonth.
A definition of log levels for internal uses.
A Long builder.
Uses salted MD5 hashes from Md5Crypt.
A BigDecimal configured for monetary operations.
Connection provider for MySQL.
Filters a string from any HTML tags.
An interface that is able to hash passwords and check existing hashes against a password.
Provide some methods for password rule verifications.
Passord pattern rules (minimum occurrance of a type of character).
Provides a way to generate personal information (see PersonBuilder.Person randomly.
Information about a random, fictious person.
Uses PHP-alike hashes.
Exception occurred while serializing
Serializes Java objects in a PHP serializer format string.
Exception occurred while serializing
Unerializes PHP format string to Java objects.
Default implementation of preferences.
The default implementation of IPreferencesService.
Implements authorization information retrieval from a properties file.
Provides values randomly from a given list.
A random string builder.
Reflection utilities.
List resources available from the classpath.
Uses salted SHA256 hashes from Sha2Crypt.
Uses salted SHA512 hashes from Sha2Crypt.
Exception thrown from signing process.
A simple authorization callback to be used within programming.
A cache implementation using a HashMap with SoftReferences.
A string builder.
StringFilter strings from evil input.
Provides various standard string filters.
Implements a thread-safe synchronized object queue that also wakes up waiting threads.
Implements authorization information retrieval from a plain text file.
Wraps an IUriProvider into an IUrlTransformer.
Wraps an IUrlProvider into an IUrlTransformer.
A cache implementation using a HashMap with WeakReferences.
Implements authorization information retrieval from a XML file.
Filters invalid XML characters from a stream.