


package scalacheck

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. scalacheck
  2. RefTypeInstances
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. def arbitraryRefType[F[_, _], T, P](gen: Gen[T])(implicit rt: RefType[F]): Arbitrary[F[T, P]]
    Definition Classes
  2. def checkArbitraryRefType[F[_, _], T, P](implicit arb: Arbitrary[F[T, P]], rt: RefType[F], v: Validate[T, P]): Prop
    Definition Classes
  3. def checkArbitraryRefinedType[FTP](implicit arb: Arbitrary[FTP], rt: RefinedType[FTP]): Prop
    Definition Classes
  4. implicit def refTypeCogen[F[_, _], T, P](implicit arg0: Cogen[T], rt: RefType[F]): Cogen[F[T, P]]
    Definition Classes
  5. object all extends BooleanInstances with CharInstances with GenericInstances with NumericInstances with NumericInstancesBinCompat1 with RefTypeInstances with StringInstances with StringInstancesBinCompat1 with CollectionInstances with CollectionInstancesBinCompat1
  6. object any extends AnyInstances

    Module that provides an Arbitrary instance for any refined type F[T, P].

    Module that provides an Arbitrary instance for any refined type F[T, P].

    This instance uses the Arbitrary instance of the base type T and the corresponding Validate[T, P] instance of the refinement to filter out invalid values. For most refinements this will cause ScalaCheck to fail because this instance will discard too many values.

  7. object boolean extends BooleanInstances

    Module that provides Arbitrary instances for logical predicates.

  8. object char extends CharInstances

    Module that provides Arbitrary instances for Char related predicates.

  9. object collection extends CollectionInstances with CollectionInstancesBinCompat1

    Module that provides Arbitrary instances for collection predicates.

  10. object generic extends GenericInstances

    Module that provides Arbitrary instances for generic predicates.

  11. object numeric extends NumericInstances with NumericInstancesBinCompat1

    Module that provides Arbitrary instances and generators for numeric predicates.

  12. object reftype extends RefTypeInstances
  13. object string extends StringInstances with StringInstancesBinCompat1

    Module that provides Arbitrary instances for String related predicates.

Inherited from RefTypeInstances

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
