Class ServerDirs

  • public class ServerDirs
    extends Object
    The hierarchy of directories above a running DAS or server instance can get messy to deal with -- thus this class. This class is a bullet-proof holder of that information. Instances and DAS are arranged differently: examples: DAS domainDir = getServerDir() == C:/glassfish4/glassfish/domains/domain1 domainsDir = getServerParentDir() == C:/glassfish4/glassfish/domains grandparent-dir is meaningless Instance instanceDir = getServerDir() == C:/glassfish4/glassfish/nodes/mymachine/instance1 agentDir = getServerParentDir() == C:/glassfish4/glassfish/nodes/mymachine agentsDir = getServerGrandParentDir() == C:/glassfish4/glassfish/nodes Currently in all cases the name of the serverDir is the name of the server -- by our definition. THIS CLASS IS GUARANTEED THREAD SAFE THIS CLASS IS GUARANTEED IMMUTABLE Contract: Caller is supposed to NOT call methods on an instance of this class. It's "advanced java" to be able to do that anyway. I don't allow half-baked data out. It's all or none. The "valid" flag is checked and if invalid -- all methods return null. They don't throw an Exception because the caller is not supposed to call the methods - it would just annoy the caller.
    3.1 Created: April 19, 2010
    Byron Nevins
    • Method Detail

      • getServerName

        public final String getServerName()
      • deletePidFile

        public final String deletePidFile()
        Return a message suitable for printing, not just for errors.
      • getServerDir

        public final File getServerDir()
      • getAgentDir

        public final File getAgentDir()
      • getServerParentDir

        public final File getServerParentDir()
      • getServerGrandParentDir

        public final File getServerGrandParentDir()
      • getDomainXml

        public final File getDomainXml()
      • getConfigDir

        public final File getConfigDir()
      • getPidFile

        public final File getPidFile()
      • getDasPropertiesFile

        public final File getDasPropertiesFile()
      • getNodePropertiesFile

        public final File getNodePropertiesFile()
      • getLocalPassword

        public String getLocalPassword()
      • getLocalPasswordFile

        public final File getLocalPasswordFile()
      • isValid

        public final boolean isValid()