Interface MutableStatistic

    • Method Detail

      • unmodifiableView

        Statistic unmodifiableView()
        Returns a read-only view of this Statistic. An implementing class has to return the instances of Statistic interfaces defined in and com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.stats packages.
        an instance of a specific Statistic interface
      • modifiableView

        Statistic modifiableView()
        Returns an instance of Statistic whose state can be changed by the caller. It is important to know that caller should not cache the return value from this method. In general, there is a problem in this contract in that, a client would not know from a Stats.getCreateCount() method whether the return value is something that is being modified or is invariant. Hence the caller should not cache the returned value in a collection and then collectively process it. The main idea behind providing this method is to control the number of instances created (per Mahesh's Suggestion).
        an instance of Statistic interface that should not be cached.
      • reset

        void reset()
        Resets the encapsulated Statistic interface to its initial value. The idea being, if (after creation of the instance) the state changes, the initial state can be easily regained by calling this method. Note that the time of last sampling changes to the instant when this method is invoked.