Interface MutableTimeStatistic

  • All Superinterfaces:
    MutableStatistic, Serializable
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface MutableTimeStatistic
    extends MutableStatistic
    Provides mutable nature to the TimeStatistic. Like other MutableStatistic interfaces, it does have the state to calculate the specific statistical data in TimeStatistic. Unlike other mutable statistics though, in this interface there is some consideration of a sequence. Once an instance of this interface is created, subsequent call to incrementCount(long) has a twofold effect:
    • Increments the count for number of times the operation is executed by 1
    • Keeps a count of maximum/minimum/total execution time
      $Revision: 1.2 $
      Kedar Mhaswade
      • Method Detail

        • incrementCount

          void incrementCount​(long currentExecutionTimeMillis)
          Increments the count for number of times an operation is called by 1 and processes the given parameter in a certain manner.