Class AdminService.Duck

    • Constructor Detail

      • Duck

        public Duck()
    • Method Detail

      • getAssociatedAuthRealm

        public static AuthRealm getAssociatedAuthRealm​(AdminService as)
        This is the place where the iteration for the AuthRealm for administration should be carried out in server. A convenience method for the same.
        as - AdminService implemented by those who implement the interface (outer interface).
        AuthRealm instance for which the name is same as as.getAuthRealmName(), null otherwise.
      • usesFileRealm

        public static boolean usesFileRealm​(AdminService as)
        Returns true if the classname of associated authrealm is same as fully qualified FileRealm classname.
        as - "This" Admin Service
        true if associated authrealm is nonnull and its classname equals "", false otherwise