Interface AdminService

    • Method Detail

      • getType

        @Pattern(regexp="(das|das-and-server|server)") String getType()
        Gets the value of the type property. An instance can either be of type das Domain Administration Server in SE/EE or the PE instance das-and-server same as das server Any non-DAS instance in SE/EE. Not valid for PE.
        possible object is String
      • getSystemJmxConnectorName

        String getSystemJmxConnectorName()
        Gets the value of the systemJmxConnectorName property. The name of the internal jmx connector
        possible object is String
      • getJmxConnector

        List<JmxConnector> getJmxConnector()
        Gets the value of the jmxConnector property.

        The jmx-connector element defines the configuration of a JSR 160 compliant remote JMX Connector. Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list JmxConnector

      • getDasConfig

        @NotNull DasConfig getDasConfig()
        Gets the value of the dasConfig property.
        possible object is DasConfig
      • getAuthRealmName

        @NotNull String getAuthRealmName()
        Gets the name of the auth realm to be used for administration. This obsoletes/deprecates the similarly named attribute on JmxConnector. Note that this is of essence where admin access is done outside the containers. Container managed security is still applicable and is handled via security annotations and deployment descriptors of the admin applications (aka admin GUI application, MEjb application).
        name of the auth realm to be used for admin access
      • setAuthRealmName

        void setAuthRealmName​(String name)
      • usesFileRealm

        boolean usesFileRealm()