Interface ConfigBeanProxy

    • Method Detail

      • getParent

        ConfigBeanProxy getParent()
        Returns the parent element of this configuration element. It is possible to return a not null parent while the parent knows nothing of this child element. This could happen when the child element was removed from the configuration tree, yet it's parent would not have been reset.
        the parent configuration node.
      • getParent

        <T extends ConfigBeanProxy> T getParent​(Class<T> type)
        Returns the typed parent element of this configuration element. It is possible to return a not null parent while the parent knows nothing of this child element. This could happen when the child element was removed from the configuration tree, yet it's parent would not have been reset.
        type - parent's type
        the parent configuration node.
      • createChild

        <T extends ConfigBeanProxy> T createChild​(Class<T> type)
                                           throws TransactionFailure
        Creates a child element of this configuration element
        type - the child element type
        the newly created child instance
        TransactionFailure - when called outside the boundaries of a transaction
      • deepCopy

        ConfigBeanProxy deepCopy​(ConfigBeanProxy parent)
                          throws TransactionFailure
        Performs a deep copy of this configuration element and returns it. The parent of this configuration must be locked in a transaction and the newly created child will be automatically enrolled in the parent's transaction.
        parent - the writable copy of the parent
        a deep copy of itself.
        TransactionFailure - if the transaction cannot be completed.