Interface JmsService

    • Method Detail

      • getInitTimeoutInSeconds

        @Min(1L) String getInitTimeoutInSeconds()
        Gets the value of the initTimeoutInSeconds property. specifies the time server instance will wait at start up, for its corresponding JMS service instance to respond. If there is no response within the specifies timeout period, application server startup is aborted. Default value of 60 seconds
        possible object is String
      • getType

        @NotNull @Pattern(regexp="(LOCAL|EMBEDDED|REMOTE|DISABLED)") String getType()
        Gets the value of the type property. Type of JMS service
        possible object is String
      • getStartArgs

        String getStartArgs()
        Gets the value of the startArgs property. specifies the arguments that will be supplied to start up corresponding JMS service instance.
        possible object is String
      • getDefaultJmsHost

        String getDefaultJmsHost()
        Gets the value of the defaultJmsHost property. Reference to a jms-host that to be started when type of jms-service is LOCAL.
        possible object is String
      • getMasterBroker

        String getMasterBroker()
      • getReconnectIntervalInSeconds

        @Min(1L) String getReconnectIntervalInSeconds()
        Gets the value of the reconnectIntervalInSeconds property. Interval between reconnect attempts, in seconds. An integer.
        possible object is String
      • getReconnectAttempts

        String getReconnectAttempts()
        Gets the value of the reconnectAttempts property. Total number of attempts to reconnect. An integer.
        possible object is String
      • getReconnectEnabled

        String getReconnectEnabled()
        Gets the value of the reconnectEnabled property. Causes reconnect feature to be enabled (true) or disabled (false).
        possible object is String
      • getAddresslistBehavior

        @Pattern(regexp="(random|priority)") String getAddresslistBehavior()
        Gets the value of the addresslistBehavior property. Determines broker selection from imqAddressList. random causes selection to be performed randomly priority causes selection to be performed sequentially
        possible object is String
      • getAddresslistIterations

        @Min(-1L) @Max(2147483647L) String getAddresslistIterations()
        Gets the value of the addresslistIterations property. Number of times reconnect logic should iterate imqAddressList. This property will not be used if the addresslist-behavior is "random".
        possible object is String
      • getMqScheme

        @Pattern(regexp="(mq||http)") String getMqScheme()
        Gets the value of the mqScheme property. Scheme for establishing connection with broker. For e.g. scheme can be specified as "http" for connecting to MQ broker over http. Default: "mq"
        possible object is String
      • getMqService

        @Pattern(regexp="(ssljms||jms)") String getMqService()
        Gets the value of the mqService property. Type of broker service. If a broker supports ssl, then the type of service can be "ssljms". If nothing is specified, MQ will assume that service is "jms".
        possible object is String
      • getJmsHost

        List<JmsHost> getJmsHost()
        Gets the value of the jmsHost property.

        This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the returned list will be present inside the JAXB object. This is why there is not a set method for the jmsHost property.

        For example, to add a new item, do as follows:


        Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list JmsHost

      • getProperty

        @PropertyDesc(name="instance-name",defaultValue="imqbroker",description="The full Sun GlassFish Message Queue broker instance name") @PropertyDesc(name="instance-name-suffix",defaultValue="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",description="A suffix to add to the full Message Queue broker instance name. The suffix is separated from the instance name by an underscore character (_). For example, if the instance name is \'imqbroker\', appending the suffix \'xyz\' changes the instance name to \'imqbroker_xyz\'") @PropertyDesc(name="append-version",defaultValue="",description="If true, appends the major and minor version numbers, preceded by underscore characters (_), to the full Message Queue broker instance name. For example, if the instance name is \'imqbroker\', appending the version numbers changes the instance name to imqbroker_8_0") @PropertyDesc(name="user-name",defaultValue="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",description="Specifies the user name for creating the JMS connection. Needed only if the default username/password of guest/guest is not available in the broker") @PropertyDesc(name="password",defaultValue="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",description="Specifies the password for creating the JMS connection. Needed only if the default username/password of guest/guest is not available in the broker")
        List<Property> getProperty()
        Specified by:
        getProperty in interface PropertyBag
        the property list