Interface JavaConfig

    • Method Detail

      • getJavaHome

        String getJavaHome()
        Gets the value of the javaHome property. Specifies the installation directory for Java runtime. JDK 11 or higher is supported.
        possible object is String
      • getDebugEnabled

        String getDebugEnabled()
        Gets the value of the debugEnabled property. If set to true, the server starts up in debug mode ready for attaching with a JPDA based debugger
        possible object is String
      • getDebugOptions

        String getDebugOptions()
        Gets the value of the debugOptions property. JPDA based debugging options string
        possible object is String
      • getRmicOptions

        String getRmicOptions()
        Gets the value of the rmicOptions property. Options string passed to RMI compiler, at application deployment time.
        possible object is String
      • getJavacOptions

        String getJavacOptions()
        Gets the value of the javacOptions property. Options string passed to Java compiler, at application deployment time.
        possible object is String
      • getClasspathPrefix

        String getClasspathPrefix()
        Gets the value of the classpathPrefix property.
        possible object is String
      • setClasspathPrefix

        void setClasspathPrefix​(String value)
                         throws PropertyVetoException
        Sets the value of the classpathPrefix property. A java classpath string that is prefixed to server-classpath
        value - allowed object is String
      • getClasspathSuffix

        String getClasspathSuffix()
        Gets the value of the classpathSuffix property. A java classpath string that is appended to server-classpath
        possible object is String
      • getServerClasspath

        String getServerClasspath()
        Gets the value of the serverClasspath property. A java classpath string that specifies the classes needed by the Application server. Do not expect users to change this under normal conditions. The shared application server classloader forms the final classpath by concatenating classpath-prefix, ${INSTALL_DIR}/lib, server-classpath, and classpath-suffix
        possible object is String
      • getSystemClasspath

        String getSystemClasspath()
        Gets the value of the systemClasspath property. This classpath string supplied to the jvm at server startup. Contains appserv-launch.jar by default. Users may add to this classpath.
        possible object is String
      • getNativeLibraryPathPrefix

        String getNativeLibraryPathPrefix()
        Gets the value of the nativeLibraryPathPrefix property. Prepended to the native library path, which is constructed internally Internally, the native library path is automatically constructed to be a concatenation of Application Server installation relative path for its native shared libraries, standard JRE native library path, the shell environment setting (LD-LIBRARY-PATH on Unix) and any path that may be specified in the profile element.
        possible object is String
      • getNativeLibraryPathSuffix

        String getNativeLibraryPathSuffix()
        Gets the value of the nativeLibraryPathSuffix property. Appended to the native library path, which is constructed as described above
        possible object is String
      • getBytecodePreprocessors

        String getBytecodePreprocessors()
        Gets the value of the bytecodePreprocessors property. A comma separated list of classnames, each of which must implement the com.sun.appserv.BytecodePreprocessor interface. Each of the specified preprocessor class will be called in the order specified. At the moment the comelling use is for a 3rd party Performance Profiling tool.
        possible object is String
      • getEnvClasspathIgnored

        String getEnvClasspathIgnored()
        Gets the value of the envClasspathIgnored property. If set to false, the CLASSPATH environment variable will be read and appended to the Application Server classpath, which is constructed as described above. The CLASSPATH environment variable will be added after the classpath-suffix, at the very end
        possible object is String
      • getProfiler

        Profiler getProfiler()
        Gets the value of the profiler property.
        possible object is Profiler
      • getJavacOptionsAsList

        List<String> getJavacOptionsAsList()
        Returns the javac options for deployment. The options can be anything except "-d", "-classpath" and "-cp". It tokenizes the options by blank space between them. It does not to detect options like "-g -g -g" since javac handles it.
        javac options as of a list of java.lang.String