Interface JvmOptionBag

    • Method Detail

      • getXmxMegs

        int getXmxMegs()
        It's observed that many a time we need the value of max heap size. This is useful when deciding if a user is misconfiguring the JVM by specifying -Xmx that is smaller than -Xms. Sun's JVM for example, bails out with Incompatible minimum and maximum heap sizes specified when that happens. It's generally better to do some basic validations in those cases and that's when this method may be useful.
        an integer specifying the actual max heap memory (-Xmx) configured. If it's specified as -Xmx2g, then 2*1024 i.e. 2048 is returned. Returns -1 if no -Xmx is specified.
      • getXmsMegs

        int getXmsMegs()
        see #getXmxMegs
        integer specifying -Xms in megabytes, or -1
      • getJvmRawOptions

        List<String> getJvmRawOptions()