Interface RequestPolicy

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface RequestPolicy
    extends ConfigBeanProxy
    Used to define the authentication policy requirements associated with the request processing performed by an authentication provider (i.e. when a client provider's ClientAuthModule.initiateRequest() method is called or when a server provider's ServerAuthModule.validateRequest() method is called)
    • Method Detail

      • getAuthSource

        @Pattern(regexp="(sender|content|username-password)") String getAuthSource()
        Gets the value of the authSource property. Defines a requirement for message layer sender authentication (e.g. username password) or content authentication (e.g. digital signature)
        possible object is String
      • getAuthRecipient

        @Pattern(regexp="(before-content|after-content)") String getAuthRecipient()
        Specifies whether recipient authentication occurs before or after content authentication. Allowed values are 'before-content' and 'after-content'. Defines a requirement for message layer authentication of the reciever of a message to its sender (e.g. by XML encryption). before-content indicates that recipient authentication (e.g. encryption) is to occur before any content authentication (e.g. encrypt then sign) with respect to the target of the containing auth-policy. after-content indicates that recipient authentication (e.g. encryption) is to occur after any content authentication (e.g. sign then encrypt) with respect to the target of the containing auth-policy
        possible object is String