Interface Orb

    • Method Detail

      • getUseThreadPoolIds

        @NotNull String getUseThreadPoolIds()
        Gets the value of the useThreadPoolIds property. Specifies a comma-separated list of thread-pool ids. This would refer to the thread-pool-id(s) defined in the thread-pool sub-element of thread-pool-config element in domain.xml. These would be the threadpool(s) used by the ORB. More than one thread-pool-id(s) could be specified by using commas to separate the names e.g. orb-thread-pool-1, orb-thread-pool-2
        possible object is String
      • getMessageFragmentSize

        @Min(128L) String getMessageFragmentSize()
        Gets the value of the messageFragmentSize property. GIOPv1.2 messages larger than this will get fragmented. Minimum value is 128.
        possible object is String
      • getMaxConnections

        @Min(0L) String getMaxConnections()
        Gets the value of the maxConnections property. Maximum number of incoming connections, on all listeners
        possible object is String