Interface LogService

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface LogService
    extends ConfigBeanProxy
    By default, logs would be kept in $INSTANCE-ROOT/logs. The following log files will be stored under the logs directory. access.log keeps default virtual server HTTP access messages. server.log keeps log messages from default virtual server. Messages from other configured virtual servers also go here, unless log-file is explicitly specified in the virtual-server element.
    • Method Detail

      • getFile

        String getFile()
        Gets the value of the file property. Can be used to rename or relocate server.log using absolute path.
        possible object is String
      • getPayaraNotificationFile

        String getPayaraNotificationFile()
        Gets the value of the Payara Notification file property. Can be used to rename or relocate notification.log using absolute path.
        possible object is String
      • getUseSystemLogging

        String getUseSystemLogging()
        Gets the value of the useSystemLogging property. If true, will utilize Unix syslog service or Windows Event Logging to produce and manage logs.
        possible object is String
      • getLogHandler

        String getLogHandler()
        Gets the value of the logHandler property. Can plug in a custom log handler to add it to the chain of handlers to log into a different log destination than the default ones given by the system (which are Console, File and Syslog). It is a requirement that customers use the log formatter provided by the the system to maintain uniformity in log messages. The custom log handler will be added at the end of the handler chain after File + Syslog Handler, Console Handler and JMX Handler. User cannot replace the handler provided by the system, because of loosing precious log statements. The Server Initialization will take care of installing the custom handler with the system formatter initialized. The user need to use JSR 047 Log Handler Interface to implement the custom handler.
        possible object is String
      • getLogFilter

        String getLogFilter()
        Gets the value of the logFilter property. Can plug in a log filter to do custom filtering of log records. By default there is no log filter other than the log level filtering provided by JSR 047 log API.
        possible object is String
      • getLogToConsole

        String getLogToConsole()
        Gets the value of the logToConsole property. logs will be sent to stderr when asadmin start-domain verbose is used
        possible object is String
      • getLogToFile

        String getLogToFile()
        Gets the value of the logToFile property.
        possible object is String
      • getFastLogging

        String getFastLogging()
        Gets the value of the fastLogging property.
        possible object is String
      • getPayaraNotificationLogToFile

        String getPayaraNotificationLogToFile()
        Gets the value of the Payara Notification logToFile property.
        possible object is String
      • getLogRotationLimitInBytes

        @Min(1L) String getLogRotationLimitInBytes()
        Gets the value of the logRotationLimitInBytes property. Log Files will be rotated when the file size reaches the limit. Minimum value is 1.
        possible object is String
      • getPayaraNotificationLogRotationLimitInBytes

        @Min(1L) String getPayaraNotificationLogRotationLimitInBytes()
        Gets the value of the Payara Notification logRotationLimitInBytes property. Log Files will be rotated when the file size reaches the limit.
        possible object is String
      • setPayaraNotificationLogRotationLimitInBytes

        void setPayaraNotificationLogRotationLimitInBytes​(String value)
                                                   throws PropertyVetoException
        Sets the value of the Payara Notification logRotationLimitInBytes property.
        value - allowed object is String
      • getLogRotationTimelimitInMinutes

        @Min(0L) @Max(14400L) String getLogRotationTimelimitInMinutes()
        Gets the value of the logRotationTimelimitInMinutes property. This is a new attribute to enable time based log rotation. The Log File will be rotated only if this value is non-zero and the valid range is 60 minutes (1 hour) to 10*24*60 minutes (10 days). If the value is zero then the files will be rotated based on size specified in log-rotation-limit-in-bytes.
        possible object is String
      • getPayaraNotificationLogRotationTimelimitInMinutes

        @Min(0L) @Max(14400L) String getPayaraNotificationLogRotationTimelimitInMinutes()
        Gets the value of the Payara Notification logRotationTimelimitInMinutes property. This is a new attribute to enable time based log rotation. The Log File will be rotated only if this value is non-zero and the valid range is 60 minutes (1 hour) to 10*24*60 minutes (10 days). If the value is zero then the files will be rotated based on size specified in log-rotation-limit-in-bytes.
        possible object is String
      • setPayaraNotificationLogRotationTimelimitInMinutes

        void setPayaraNotificationLogRotationTimelimitInMinutes​(String value)
                                                         throws PropertyVetoException
        Sets the value of the Payara Notification logRotationTimelimitInMinutes property.
        value - allowed object is String
      • getAlarms

        String getAlarms()
        Gets the value of the alarms property. if true, will turn on alarms for the logger. The SEVERE and WARNING messages can be routed through the JMX framework to raise SEVERE and WARNING alerts. Alarms are turned off by default.
        possible object is String
      • getRetainErrorStatisticsForHours

        @Min(5L) @Max(500L) String getRetainErrorStatisticsForHours()
        Gets the value of the retainErrorStatisticsForHours property. The number of hours since server start, for which error statistics should be retained in memory. The default and minimum value is 5 hours. The maximum value allowed is 500 hours. Note that larger values will incur additional memory overhead.
        possible object is String
      • getLogStandardStreams

        String getLogStandardStreams()
        Gets the value of the logStandardStreams property.
      • getModuleLogLevels

        ModuleLogLevels getModuleLogLevels()
        Gets the value of the moduleLogLevels property.
        possible object is ModuleLogLevels