Interface EjbTimerService

    • Method Detail

      • getMinimumDeliveryIntervalInMillis

        @Min(1L) String getMinimumDeliveryIntervalInMillis()
        Gets the value of the minimumDeliveryIntervalInMillis property. It is the minimum number of milliseconds allowed before the next timer expiration for a particular timer can occur. It guards against extremely small timer increments that can overload the server.
        possible object is String
      • getMaxRedeliveries

        @Min(1L) String getMaxRedeliveries()
        Gets the value of the maxRedeliveries property. It is the maximum number of times the ejb timer service will attempt to redeliver a timer expiration due to exception or rollback. The minimum value is 1, per the ejb specification.
        possible object is String
      • getTimerDatasource

        String getTimerDatasource()
        Gets the value of the timerDatasource property. overrides cmp-resource (jdbc/__TimerPool) specified in sun-ejb-jar.xml of (__ejb_container_timer_app) of the timer service system application. By default this is set to jdbc/__TimerPool, but can be overridden for the cluster or server instance, if they choose to.
        possible object is String
      • getRedeliveryIntervalInternalInMillis

        @Min(1L) String getRedeliveryIntervalInternalInMillis()
        Gets the value of the redeliveryIntervalInternalInMillis property. It is the number of milliseconds the ejb timer service will wait after a failed ejbTimeout delivery before attempting a redelivery.
        possible object is String
      • setRedeliveryIntervalInternalInMillis

        void setRedeliveryIntervalInternalInMillis​(String value)
                                            throws PropertyVetoException
        Sets the value of the redeliveryIntervalInternalInMillis property.
        value - allowed object is String
      • getEjbTimerService

        String getEjbTimerService()
        Gets the value of the EJB Timer Service property. The EJB Timer Service type to use in Payara. Supported values:
        • "Database" for database-backed persistence
        • "DataGrid" for DataGrid-backed persistence
        • "None" for non-persistent timer service
        One of the options above
      • getClusterFiringMode

        String getClusterFiringMode()
        Sets the mode of firing for cluster deployed EJB Timers OnePerCluster timer is only active on 1 node in the cluster OnePerDeploymentGroup timer is only active on 1 node in a Deployment Group AllInstances timer is active on all instances where the application is deployed