Class ConnectorClassLoader

    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static ConnectorClassLoader getInstance​(ClassLoader parent)
        Initializes this singleton with the given parent class loader if not already created.
        parent - parent class loader
        the instance
      • addResourceAdapter

        public void addResourceAdapter​(String rarName,
                                       String moduleDir)
        Adds the requested resource adapter to the ConnectorClassLoader. A ConnectorClassLoader is created with the moduleDir as its search path and this classloader is added to the classloader chain.
        rarName - the resourceAdapter module name to add
        moduleDir - the directory location where the RAR contents are exploded
      • removeResourceAdapter

        public void removeResourceAdapter​(String moduleName)
        Removes the resource adapter's class loader from the classloader linked list
        moduleName - the connector module that needs to be removed.
      • getClasspath

        public String getClasspath()
        Returns all the resources of the connector classloaders in the chain, concatenated to a classpath string.

        Notice that this method is called by the setClassPath() method of org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader, since the ConnectorClassLoader does not extend off of URLClassLoader.

        getClasspath in class ASURLClassLoader
        Classpath string containing all the resources of the connectors in the chain. An empty string if there exists no connectors in the chain.