Class EjbReferenceDescriptor

    • Constructor Detail

      • EjbReferenceDescriptor

        public EjbReferenceDescriptor​(EjbReferenceDescriptor other)
        copy constructor
        other - handle to other EjbReferenceDescriptor to clone
      • EjbReferenceDescriptor

        public EjbReferenceDescriptor​(String name,
                                      String description,
                                      EjbDescriptor ejbDescriptor)
        Construct an remote ejb reference to the given ejb descriptor with the given name and descriptor of the reference.
        name - the ejb-ref name as used in the referencing bean
        description - optional description
        ejbDescriptor - of the referenced bean
      • EjbReferenceDescriptor

        public EjbReferenceDescriptor​(String name,
                                      String description,
                                      EjbDescriptor ejbDescriptor,
                                      boolean isLocal)
        constructs an local or remote ejb reference to the given ejb descriptor, the description and the name of the reference
        name - is the name of the reference
        description - is a human readable description of the reference
        ejbDescriptor - the referenced EJB
        isLocal - true if the reference uses the local interfaces
      • EjbReferenceDescriptor

        public EjbReferenceDescriptor()
        Constructs a reference in the exterrnal state.
    • Method Detail

      • setEjbDescriptor

        public void setEjbDescriptor​(EjbDescriptor ejbDescriptor)
        Sets the ejb descriptor to which I refer.
        Specified by:
        setEjbDescriptor in interface EjbReference
        ejbDescriptor - the ejb descriptor referenced, null if it is unknown at this time
      • setJndiName

        public void setJndiName​(String jndiName)
        Sets the jndi name of the bean type which I am referring.
        Specified by:
        setJndiName in interface EjbReference
        Specified by:
        setJndiName in interface NamedDescriptor
        jndiName - the new JNDI name of the receiver.
      • hasJndiName

        public boolean hasJndiName()
        Description copied from interface: EjbReference
        Returns true if the reference has a non-null non-zero length jndiname
        Specified by:
        hasJndiName in interface EjbReference
      • isLinked

        public boolean isLinked()
        return true if I know the name of the ejb to which I refer.
      • getLinkName

        public String getLinkName()
        Description copied from interface: EjbReference
        Gets the link name of the reference. For use when linking to an EJB within a J2EE application.
        Specified by:
        getLinkName in interface EjbReference
        the name of the ejb to which I refer
      • setLinkName

        public void setLinkName​(String linkName)
        Sets the name of the ejb to which I refer.
        Specified by:
        setLinkName in interface EjbReference
        linkName - the link name.
      • isLocal

        public boolean isLocal()
        Description copied from interface: EjbReference
        Tests if the reference to the referree EJB is through local or remote interface
        Specified by:
        isLocal in interface EjbReference
        true if the EJB reference uses the local interfaces of the EJB
      • setLocal

        public void setLocal​(boolean local)
        Set whether this EJB Reference uses local interfaces or remote
        Specified by:
        setLocal in interface EjbReference
        local - true if the EJB reference use local interfaces
      • getHomeClassName

        public String getHomeClassName()
        Gets the home classname of the referee EJB.
      • setHomeClassName

        public void setHomeClassName​(String homeClassName)
        Sets the home classname of the bean to whcioh I refer.
      • getBeanClassName

        public String getBeanClassName()
        the bean instance interface classname of the referee EJB.
      • setBeanClassName

        public void setBeanClassName​(String remoteClassName)
        Sets the bean instance business interface classname of the bean to which I refer. this interface is the local object or the remote interfaces depending if the reference is local or not.
      • getEjbHomeInterface

        public String getEjbHomeInterface()
        Gets the home classname of the referee EJB.
        Specified by:
        getEjbHomeInterface in interface EjbReference
        the class name of the EJB home.
      • setEjbHomeInterface

        public void setEjbHomeInterface​(String homeClassName)
        Sets the local or remote home classname of the referee EJB.
        Specified by:
        setEjbHomeInterface in interface EjbReference
        homeClassName - the class name of the EJB home.
      • getEjbInterface

        public String getEjbInterface()
        Gets the local or remote interface classname of the referee EJB.
        Specified by:
        getEjbInterface in interface EjbReference
        the classname of the EJB remote object.
      • setEjbInterface

        public void setEjbInterface​(String remoteClassName)
        Sets the local or remote bean interface classname of the referee EJB.
        Specified by:
        setEjbInterface in interface EjbReference
        remoteClassName - the classname of the EJB remote object.
      • isEJB30ClientView

        public boolean isEJB30ClientView()
        Specified by:
        isEJB30ClientView in interface EjbReference
        true if the EJB reference is a 30 client view