Class GlassFishDecorator

    • Constructor Detail

      • GlassFishDecorator

        public GlassFishDecorator​(GlassFish decoratedGf)
    • Method Detail

      • stop

        public void stop()
                  throws GlassFishException
        Description copied from interface: GlassFish
        Stop GlassFish. When this method is called, all the lifecycle (aka startup) services are stopped. GlassFish can be started again by calling the start method. Calling this method while the server is in GlassFish.Status.STARTED state is a no-op.
        Specified by:
        stop in interface GlassFish
        GlassFishException - if server can't be started for some unknown reason.
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
                     throws GlassFishException
        Description copied from interface: GlassFish
        Call this method if you don't need this GlassFish instance any more. This method will stop GlassFish if not already stopped. After this method is called, calling any method except GlassFish.getStatus() on the GlassFish object will cause an IllegalStateException to be thrown. When this method is called, any resource (like temporary files, threads, etc.) is also released.
        Specified by:
        dispose in interface GlassFish
      • getService

        public <T> T getService​(Class<T> serviceType)
                         throws GlassFishException
        Description copied from interface: GlassFish
        A service has a service interface and optionally a name. For a service which is just a class with no interface, then the service class is the service interface. This method is used to look up a service.
        Specified by:
        getService in interface GlassFish
        serviceType - type of component required.
        Return a service matching the requirement, null if no service found.
      • getService

        public <T> T getService​(Class<T> serviceType,
                                String serviceName)
                         throws GlassFishException
        Description copied from interface: GlassFish
        A service has a service interface and optionally a name. For a service which is just a class with no interface, then the service class is the service interface. This method is used to look up a service.
        Specified by:
        getService in interface GlassFish
        serviceType - type of component required.
        serviceName - name of the component.
        Return a service matching the requirement, null if no service found.
      • getDeployer

        public Deployer getDeployer()
                             throws GlassFishException
        Description copied from interface: GlassFish
        Gets a Deployer instance to deploy an application. Each invocation of this method returns a new Deployer object. Calling this method is equivalent to calling getService(Deployer.class, null)
        Specified by:
        getDeployer in interface GlassFish
        A new Deployer instance
      • getCommandRunner

        public CommandRunner getCommandRunner()
                                       throws GlassFishException
        Description copied from interface: GlassFish
        Gets a CommandRunner instance, using which the user can run asadmin commands. Calling this method is equivalent to calling getService(CommandRunner.class, null) Each invocation of this method returns a new CommandRunner object.
        Specified by:
        getCommandRunner in interface GlassFish
        a new CommandRunner instance