Class MinimalBundleProvisioner

  • public class MinimalBundleProvisioner
    extends BundleProvisioner
    This is a specialized BundleProvisioner that installs only a minimum set of of bundles. It derives the set of bundles to be included from the list of bundles to be started and all fragment bundles available in the installation locations.
    [email protected]
    • Constructor Detail

      • MinimalBundleProvisioner

        public MinimalBundleProvisioner​(org.osgi.framework.BundleContext bundleContext,
                                        Properties config)
    • Method Detail

      • installBundles

        public List<Long> installBundles()
        Description copied from class: BundleProvisioner
        This method goes collects list of bundles that have been installed from the watched directory in previous run of the program, compares them with the current set of jar files, uninstalls old bundles, updates modified bundles, installs new bundles. It returns list of bundle ids provisioned by this provisoner.
        installBundles in class BundleProvisioner
      • hasAnyThingChanged

        public boolean hasAnyThingChanged()
        hasAnyThingChanged in class BundleProvisioner
        true if anything changed since last time framework was initialized
      • getCustomizer

        public com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.osgi.MinimalBundleProvisioner.MinimalCustomizer getCustomizer()
        getCustomizer in class BundleProvisioner