Class OSGiGlassFishRuntimeBuilder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class OSGiGlassFishRuntimeBuilder
    extends Object
    implements RuntimeBuilder
    This RuntimeBuilder can only handle GlassFish_Platform of following types:

    Constants.Platform.Felix, Constants.Platform.Equinox, and Constants.Platform.Knopflerfish.

    It can't handle GenericOSGi platform, because it reads framework configuration from a framework specific file when it calls MainHelper.buildStartupContext(java.util.Properties).

    This class is responsible for a) setting up OSGi framework, b) installing glassfish bundles, c) starting a configured list of bundles d) obtaining a reference to GlassFishRuntime OSGi service.

    Steps #b & #c are handled via BundleProvisioner. We specify our provisioning bundle details in the properties object that's used to boostrap the system. BundleProvisioner installs and starts such bundles,

    If caller does not pass in a properly populated properties object, we assume that we are running against an existing installation of glassfish and set appropriate default values.

    This class is registered as a provider of RuntimeBuilder using META-INF/services file.

    [email protected]