Class GlassFishRuntime

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    EmbeddedOSGiGlassFishRuntime, GlassFishRuntimeDecorator, MicroGlassFishRuntime, StaticGlassFishRuntime

    public abstract class GlassFishRuntime
    extends Object
    This is the entry point API to bootstrap GlassFish.

    A GlassFishRuntime represents just the runtime environment, i.e., no active services yet. e.g., there won't be any web container started just by creating a GlassFishRuntime object.

    The services will be activated when GlassFish instance is started by doing omething like:

          GlassFishRuntime runtime = GlassFishRuntime.bootstrap(); // no active services
          GlassFish glassfish = runtime.newGlassFish();
          glassfish.start(); // active services.
    [email protected], [email protected]