Class GlassFishProperties

  • public class GlassFishProperties
    extends Object
    Encapsulates the set of properties required to create a new GlassFish instance.

    Eg.., GlassFishRuntime.bootstrap(new BootstrapProperties()).newGlassFish(new GlassFishProperties());

    [email protected], [email protected]
    • Constructor Detail

      • GlassFishProperties

        public GlassFishProperties()
        Create GlassFishProperties with default properties.
      • GlassFishProperties

        public GlassFishProperties​(Properties props)
        Create GlassFishProperties with custom properties. This method does not take a copy of the passed in properties object; instead it just maintains a reference to it, so all semantics of "pass-by-reference" applies.

        Custom properties can include values for all or some of the keys defined as constants in this class. Eg., a value for com.sun.aas.instanceRoot can be included in the custom properties.

        Custom properties can also include additional properties which are required for the plugged in GlassFishRuntime (if any)

        props - Properties object which will back this GlassFishProperties object.
        NullPointerException - if props is null
    • Method Detail

      • getProperties

        public Properties getProperties()
        Get the underlying Properties object which backs this GlassFishProperties.

        If getProperties().setProperty(key,value) is called, then it will add a property to this GlassFishProperties.

        The Properties object that is backing this GlassFishProperties.
      • setProperty

        public void setProperty​(String key,
                                String value)
        Set any custom glassfish property. May be required for the plugged in GlassFishRuntime (if any)
        key - the key to be placed into this glassfish properties.
        value - the value corresponding to the key.
      • setInstanceRoot

        public void setInstanceRoot​(String instanceRoot)
        Optionally set the instance root (aka domain dir) using which the GlassFish should run.

        Make sure to specify a valid GlassFish instance directory (eg., GF_INSTALL_DIR/domains/domain1).

        By default, the config/domain.xml at the specified instance root is operated in read only mode. To writeback changes to it, call setConfigFileReadOnly(boolean) by passing 'false'

        If the instance root is not specified, then a small sized temporary instance directory is created in the current directory. The temporary instance directory will get deleted when the glassfish.dispose() is called.

        instanceRoot - Location of the instance root.
      • setConfigFileURI

        public void setConfigFileURI​(String configFileURI)
        Optionally set the location of configuration file (i.e., domain.xml) using which the GlassFish should run.

        Unless specified, the configuration file is operated on read only mode. To writeback any changes, call setConfigFileReadOnly(boolean) with 'false'.

        configFileURI - Location of configuration file.
      • isConfigFileReadOnly

        public boolean isConfigFileReadOnly()
        Check whether the specified configuration file or config/domain.xml at the specified instance root is operated read only or not.
        true if the specified configurator file or config/domain.xml at the specified instance root remains unchanged when the glassfish runs, false otherwise.
      • setConfigFileReadOnly

        public void setConfigFileReadOnly​(boolean readOnly)
        Mention whether or not the GlassFish should writeback any changes to specified configuration file or config/domain.xml at the specified instance root.

        By default readOnly is true.

        readOnly - false to writeback any changes.
      • setPort

        public void setPort​(String networkListener,
                            int port)
        Set the port number for a network listener that the GlassFish server should use.


        1. When the custom configuration file is not used, the ports can be set using:

              setPort("http-listener", 8080); // GlassFish will listen on HTTP port 8080
              setPort("https-listener", 8181); // GlassFish will listen on HTTPS port 8181

        2. When the custom configuration file (domain.xml) is used, then the name of the network listener specified here will point to the network-listener element in the domain.xml. For example:

              setPort("joe", 8080);

        will point to Hence the GlassFish server will use "joe" network listener with its port set to 8080.

        If there is no such network-listener by name "joe" in the supplied domain.xml, then the server will throw an exception and fail to start.

        networkListener - Name of the network listener.
        port - Port number
      • getPort

        public int getPort​(String networkListener)
        Get the port number set using setPort(String, int)
        networkListener - Name of the listener
        Port number which was set using setPort(String, int). -1 if it was not set previously.