Class StringManager

  • public class StringManager
    extends StringManagerBase
    Implementation of a local string manager. Provides access to i18n messages for classes that need them.

    One StringManager per package can be created and accessed by the getManager method call. The ResourceBundle name is constructed from the given package name in the constructor plus the suffix of "LocalStrings". This means that localized information will be contained in a file located in the package directory of the classpath.

    Example: [] test=At {1,time} on {1,date}, there was {2} on planet {0,number,integer} StringManager sm = StringManager.getManager(this); ..... try { .... } catch (Exception e) { String localizedMsg = sm.getString("test", new Integer(7), new java.util.Date(System.currentTimeMillis()), "a disturbance in the Force"); throw new MyException(localizedMsg, e); } Localized message: At 2:27:41 PM on Jul 8, 2002, there was a disturbance in the Force on planet 7
    Nazrul Islam
    • Method Detail

      • getManager

        public static StringManager getManager​(String packageName,
                                               ClassLoader classLoader)
        Returns a local string manager for the given package name.
        packageName - name of the package of the src
        a local string manager for the given package name
      • getManager

        public static StringManager getManager​(Class callerClass)
        Returns a local string manager for the given package name.
        callerClass - the object making the call
        a local string manager for the given package name