Class TomcatDeploymentConfig

  • public class TomcatDeploymentConfig
    extends Object
    This class decorates all com.sun.enterprise.deployment.* objects in order to make them usuable by the Catalina container. This avoid having duplicate memory representation of the web.xml (as well as parsing the web.xml twice)
    Jean-Francois Arcand
    • Constructor Detail

      • TomcatDeploymentConfig

        public TomcatDeploymentConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • configureWebModule

        public static void configureWebModule​(WebModule webModule,
                                              WebBundleDescriptorImpl webModuleDescriptor)
                                       throws LifecycleException
        Configure a WebModule by applying web.xml information contained in WebBundleDescriptor. This astatic void calling Tomcat 5 internal deployment mechanism by re-using the DOL objects.
      • configureEjbReference

        protected static void configureEjbReference​(WebModule webModule,
                                                    WebBundleDescriptorImpl wmd)
        Configures EJB resource reference for a web application, as represented in a <ejb-ref> and <ejb-local-ref>element in the deployment descriptor.
      • configureContextLocalEjb

        protected static void configureContextLocalEjb​(WebModule webModule,
                                                       EjbReferenceDescriptor ejbDescriptor)
        Configures EJB resource reference for a web application, as represented in a <ejb-ref> in the deployment descriptor.
      • configureContextEjb

        protected static void configureContextEjb​(WebModule webModule,
                                                  EjbReferenceDescriptor ejbDescriptor)
        Configures EJB resource reference for a web application, as represented in a <ejb-local-ref>element in the deployment descriptor.
      • configureContextEnvironment

        protected static void configureContextEnvironment​(WebModule webModule,
                                                          WebBundleDescriptorImpl wmd)
        Configure application environment entry, as represented by an <env-entry> element in the deployment descriptor.
      • configureErrorPage

        protected static void configureErrorPage​(WebModule webModule,
                                                 WebBundleDescriptorImpl wmd)
        Configure error page element for a web application, as represented by a <error-page> element in the deployment descriptor.
      • configureFilterDef

        protected static void configureFilterDef​(WebModule webModule,
                                                 WebBundleDescriptorImpl wmd)
        Configure filter definition for a web application, as represented by a <filter> element in the deployment descriptor.
      • configureFilterMap

        protected static void configureFilterMap​(WebModule webModule,
                                                 WebBundleDescriptorImpl wmd)
        Configure filter mapping for a web application, as represented by a <filter-mapping> element in the deployment descriptor. Each filter mapping must contain a filter name plus either a URL pattern or a servlet name.
      • configureApplicationListener

        protected static void configureApplicationListener​(WebModule webModule,
                                                           WebBundleDescriptorImpl wmd)
        Configure context initialization parameter that is configured in the server configuration file, rather than the application deployment descriptor. This is convenient for establishing default values (which may be configured to allow application overrides or not) without having to modify the application deployment descriptor itself.
      • configureJspConfig

        protected static void configureJspConfig​(WebModule webModule,
                                                 WebBundleDescriptorImpl wmd)
        Configure jsp-config element contained in the deployment descriptor
      • configureLoginConfig

        protected static void configureLoginConfig​(WebModule webModule,
                                                   WebBundleDescriptorImpl wmd)
        Configure a login configuration element for a web application, as represented by a <login-config> element in the deployment descriptor.
      • configureMimeMapping

        protected static void configureMimeMapping​(WebModule webModule,
                                                   WebBundleDescriptorImpl wmd)
        Configure mime-mapping defined in the deployment descriptor.
      • configureResourceRef

        protected static void configureResourceRef​(WebModule webModule,
                                                   WebBundleDescriptorImpl wmd)
        Configure resource-reference defined in the deployment descriptor.
      • configureContextParam

        protected static void configureContextParam​(WebModule webModule,
                                                    WebBundleDescriptorImpl wmd)
        Configure context parameter defined in the deployment descriptor.
      • configureMessageDestination

        protected static void configureMessageDestination​(WebModule webModule,
                                                          WebBundleDescriptorImpl wmd)
        Configure of a message destination for a web application, as represented in a <message-destination> element in the deployment descriptor.
      • configureMessageDestinationRef

        protected static void configureMessageDestinationRef​(WebModule webModule,
                                                             WebBundleDescriptorImpl wmd)
        Representation of a message destination reference for a web application, as represented by a <message-destination-ref> element in the deployment descriptor.
      • configureContextResource

        protected static void configureContextResource​(WebModule webModule,
                                                       WebBundleDescriptorImpl wmd)
        Configure a resource reference for a web application, as represented in a <resource-ref> element in the deployment descriptor.
      • configureStandardContext

        protected static void configureStandardContext​(WebModule webModule,
                                                       WebBundleDescriptorImpl wmd)
        Configure the WebModule instance by creating StandardWrapper using the information contained in the deployment descriptor (Welcome Files, JSP, Servlets etc.)
      • configureSecurityConstraint

        protected static void configureSecurityConstraint​(WebModule webModule,
                                                          WebBundleDescriptor wmd)
        Configure security constraint element for a web application, as represented by a <security-constraint> element in the deployment descriptor. Configure a web resource collection for a web application's security constraint, as represented by a <web-resource-collection> element in the deployment descriptor.
      • configureSecurityRoles

        protected static void configureSecurityRoles​(WebModule webModule,
                                                     WebBundleDescriptorImpl wmd)
        Validate the usage of security role names in the web application deployment descriptor. If any problems are found, issue warning messages (for backwards compatibility) and add the missing roles. (To make these problems fatal instead, simply set the ok instance variable to false as well).