Class PersistenceType

  • public final class PersistenceType
    extends Object
    Represents each of the persistence mechanisms supported by the session managers.
    • Field Detail

      • MEMORY

        public static final PersistenceType MEMORY
        Memory based persistence for sessions (i.e. none);
      • FILE

        public static final PersistenceType FILE
        File based persistence for sessions.
      • COOKIE

        public static final PersistenceType COOKIE
        Cookie-based persistence
      • CUSTOM

        public static final PersistenceType CUSTOM
        Custom/user implemented session manager.
      • S1WS60

        public static final PersistenceType S1WS60
        old iWS 6.0 style session manager.
      • MMAP

        public static final PersistenceType MMAP
        old iWS 6.0 style MMapSessionManager.
      • JDBC

        public static final PersistenceType JDBC
        JDBC based persistence for sessions.
      • HA

        public static final PersistenceType HA
        HADB based persistence for sessions.

        public static final PersistenceType REPLICATED
        SJSWS replicated persistence for sessions.

        public static final PersistenceType COHERENCE_WEB
        Coherence Web
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        public String getType()
        Returns a string describing the persistence mechanism that the object represents.
      • parseType

        public static PersistenceType parseType​(String type)
        Parse the specified string and return the corresponding instance of this class that represents the persistence type specified in the string.
      • parseType

        public static PersistenceType parseType​(String type,
                                                PersistenceType defaultType)
        Parse the specified string and return the corresponding instance of this class that represents the persistence type specified in the string. Default back into passed-in parameter