Class MappingPolicy

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MappingPolicy
    extends Object
    implements Cloneable
    Describes how Java classes and their fields are to be mapped to database tables and columns
    • Field Detail


        public static final String USE_UNIQUE_TABLE_NAMES
        Property name which indicates unique table names should be generated.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getMappingPolicy

        public static MappingPolicy getMappingPolicy​(String databaseType)
                                              throws IOException
        Returns a vendor-specifc MappingPolicy instance. This method always returns a copy (clone) of the known MappingPolicy to allow for user-specific overrides.
        databaseType - a database vendor name as a String.
        MappingPolicy instance corresponding to the provided database vendor name.
        IOException - if there are problems reading the vendor- specific mappinng policy file
      • setUserPolicy

        public void setUserPolicy​(Properties props)
        Sets user-provided policy to that provided in the given properties.
        props - Properties which override built in defaults.
      • setUniqueTableName

        public void setUniqueTableName​(boolean uniqueTableName)
        Sets whether or not unique table names should be generated.
        uniqueTableName - If true, tables names will be unique.
      • getSQLTypeName

        public String getSQLTypeName​(int jdbcType)
        Returns the String name of the SQL type for a given JDBC type.
        jdbcType - One of the values from java.sql.Types.
        Name of SQL type corresponding to given jdbcType.
      • getJDBCInfo

        public com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.generator.database.JDBCInfo getJDBCInfo​(String fieldName,
                                                                                   String fieldType)
        Returns JDBC type information corresponding to the given field name and type. If fieldName is null or there is no fieldName - specific information already existing, the default for the given fieldType is returned. Otherwise, information specific to the fieldName is returned. Note: It is possible to have a field in a class have the same name as another class; this mechanism is not robust in that case:
         class Foo { }
         class MyFoo {
             Foo Foo = new Foo();
        We think this obfuscation unlikely to occur.
        fieldName - Name of field for which information is needed. May be null, in which case only fieldType is used to determine returned information.
        fieldType - Name of a Java type.
        JDBCInfo representing the field or type.
      • getOverrideForLength

        public static String getOverrideForLength​(String className,
                                                  String fieldName)
        Provides a String that can be recognized as a policy to override the default length of a field.
        className - name of a class
        fieldName - name of a field in that class
        a String that can be used as the name of a length override for a field in a class.
      • getOverrideForNullability

        public static String getOverrideForNullability​(String className,
                                                       String fieldName)
        Provides a String that can be recognized as a policy to override the default nullability of a field.
        className - name of a class
        fieldName - name of a field in that class
        a String that can be used as the name of a nullability override for a field in a class.
      • getOverrideForPrecision

        public static String getOverrideForPrecision​(String className,
                                                     String fieldName)
        Provides a String that can be recognized as a policy to override the default precision of a field.
        className - name of a class
        fieldName - name of a field in that class
        a String that can be used as the name of a precision override for a field in a class.
      • getOverrideForScale

        public static String getOverrideForScale​(String className,
                                                 String fieldName)
        Provides a String that can be recognized as a policy to override the default scale of a field.
        className - name of a class
        fieldName - name of a field in that class
        a String that can be used as the name of a scale override for a field in a class.
      • getOverrideForType

        public static String getOverrideForType​(String className,
                                                String fieldName)
        Provides a String that can be recognized as a policy to override the default type of a field.
        className - name of a class
        fieldName - name of a field in that class
        a String that can be used as the name of a type override for a field in a class.
      • getJdbcTypeName

        public static String getJdbcTypeName​(int type)
                                      throws IllegalArgumentException
        Provide the String name of a JDBC type, as per java.sql.Types.
        type - A value from java.sql.Types
        the String name corresponding to type
        IllegalArgumentException - if type is not recognized as being a valid member of java.sql.Types. Note that only a subset of the types in java.sql.Types are recognized.
      • getColumnName

        public String getColumnName​(String className,
                                    String fieldName,
                                    String tableName)
        Returns the name of a column for a given field in a given class. The column name will be unique within the table.
        className - Name of the class containing the field.
        fieldName - Name of the field for which a column name is returned.
        tableName - Name of the table in which the column name is created.
        Name of a column that is unique within the named table.
      • getConstraintColumnName

        public String getConstraintColumnName​(String tableName,
                                              String columnName)
        Returns the name of the column which represents a foreign key in the named table.
        tableName - Name of the table in which the FK column will be created.
        columnName - Name of PK column in referenced table.
        Name of the FK column in the named table.
      • getConstraintName

        public String getConstraintName​(String relName,
                                        String uniqueId)
        Returns the name of a constraint corresponding to the named relationship.
        relName - Name of a relationship.
        uniqueId - Id that can be appened to relName to distinguish it from other relNames in the database. Will be appended only if uniqueTableName is true.
        Name of a constraint.
      • getPrimaryKeyConstraintName

        public String getPrimaryKeyConstraintName​(String tableName)
        Returns the name of a PK constraint, unique-ified as required.
        tableName - Name of a table on which a constraint is to be placed.
        Name of a constraint on named table.
      • getJoinTableName

        public String getJoinTableName​(String className1,
                                       String className2)
        Returns the name of a join table which joins the tables that correspond to the two named classes.
        className1 - Name of one class to join.
        className2 - Name of the other class to join.
        Name of a join table.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Debug support.
        toString in class Object
        A description of this MappingPolicy in string form. Basically, all it's "interesting" values.