Class NameMapper

  • public class NameMapper
    extends NameMapper
    This is a subclass of NameMapper (in the package) which implements the abstract methods based on an IAS implementation.
    Rochelle Raccah
    • Field Detail


        public static final String SIGNATURE
        Signature with CVS keyword substitution for identifying the generated code
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • NameMapper

        public NameMapper​(EjbBundleDescriptorImpl bundleDescriptor)
        Creates a new instance of NameMapper
        bundleDescriptor - the IASEjbBundleDescriptor which defines the universe of names for this application.
      • NameMapper

        public NameMapper​(EjbBundleDescriptorImpl bundleDescriptor,
                          boolean expandPersistenceClassNames)
        Creates a new instance of NameMapper
        bundleDescriptor - the IASEjbBundleDescriptor which defines the universe of names for this application.
        expandPersistenceClassNames - flag to indicate whether persistence class names should differ from bean names
    • Method Detail

      • isEjbName

        public boolean isEjbName​(String name)
        Determines if the specified name represents an ejb.
        Specified by:
        isEjbName in class AbstractNameMapper
        name - the fully qualified name to be checked
        true if this name represents an ejb; false otherwise.
      • getDescriptorForEjbName

        public EjbCMPEntityDescriptor getDescriptorForEjbName​(String name)
        Gets the EjbCMPEntityDescriptor which represents the ejb with the specified name.
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForEjbName in class NameMapper
        name - the name of the ejb
        the EjbCMPEntityDescriptor which represents the ejb.
      • getAbstractBeanClassForEjbName

        public String getAbstractBeanClassForEjbName​(String name)
        Gets the name of the abstract bean class which corresponds to the specified ejb name.
        Specified by:
        getAbstractBeanClassForEjbName in class AbstractNameMapper
        name - the name of the ejb
        the name of the abstract bean for the specified ejb
      • getKeyClassForEjbName

        public String getKeyClassForEjbName​(String name)
        Gets the name of the key class which corresponds to the specified ejb name.
        Specified by:
        getKeyClassForEjbName in class AbstractNameMapper
        name - the name of the ejb
        the name of the key class for the ejb
      • getEjbNameForAbstractSchema

        public String getEjbNameForAbstractSchema​(String schemaName)
        Gets the name of the ejb which corresponds to the specified abstract schema name.
        Specified by:
        getEjbNameForAbstractSchema in class NameMapper
        schemaName - the name of the abstract schema
        the name of the ejb for the specified abstract schema
      • getAbstractSchemaForEjbName

        public String getAbstractSchemaForEjbName​(String name)
        Gets the name of the abstract schema which corresponds to the specified ejb.
        Specified by:
        getAbstractSchemaForEjbName in class AbstractNameMapper
        name - the name of the ejb
        the name of the abstract schema for the specified ejb
      • getConcreteBeanClassForEjbName

        public String getConcreteBeanClassForEjbName​(String name)
        Gets the name of the concrete bean class which corresponds to the specified ejb.
        Specified by:
        getConcreteBeanClassForEjbName in class NameMapper
        name - the name of the ejb
        the name of the concrete bean for the specified ejb
      • getEjbNameForPersistenceClass

        public String getEjbNameForPersistenceClass​(String className)
        Gets the name of the ejb name which corresponds to the specified persistence-capable class name.
        Specified by:
        getEjbNameForPersistenceClass in class AbstractNameMapper
        className - the name of the persistence-capable
        the name of the ejb for the specified persistence-capable
      • getPersistenceClassForEjbName

        public String getPersistenceClassForEjbName​(String name)
        Gets the name of the persistence-capable class which corresponds to the specified ejb name.
        Specified by:
        getPersistenceClassForEjbName in class AbstractNameMapper
        name - the name of the ejb
        the name of the persistence-capable for the specified ejb
      • isLocalInterface

        public boolean isLocalInterface​(String name)
        Determines if the specified name represents a local interface.
        Specified by:
        isLocalInterface in class AbstractNameMapper
        name - the fully qualified name to be checked
        true if this name represents a local interface; false otherwise.
      • getEjbNameForLocalInterface

        public String getEjbNameForLocalInterface​(String ejbName,
                                                  String fieldName,
                                                  String interfaceName)
        Gets the name of the ejb which corresponds to the specified local interface name.
        Specified by:
        getEjbNameForLocalInterface in class AbstractNameMapper
        ejbName - the name of the ejb which contains fieldName from which to find relationship and therefore the local interface
        fieldName - the name of the field in the ejb
        interfaceName - the name of the local interface
        the name of the ejb for the specified local interface
      • getLocalInterfaceForEjbName

        public String getLocalInterfaceForEjbName​(String name)
        Gets the name of the local interface which corresponds to the specified ejb name.
        Specified by:
        getLocalInterfaceForEjbName in class AbstractNameMapper
        name - the name of the ejb
        the name of the local interface for the specified ejb
      • isRemoteInterface

        public boolean isRemoteInterface​(String name)
        Determines if the specified name represents a remote interface.
        Specified by:
        isRemoteInterface in class AbstractNameMapper
        name - the fully qualified name to be checked
        true if this name represents a remote interface; false otherwise.
      • getEjbNameForRemoteInterface

        public String getEjbNameForRemoteInterface​(String ejbName,
                                                   String fieldName,
                                                   String interfaceName)
        Gets the name of the ejb which corresponds to the specified remote interface name.
        Specified by:
        getEjbNameForRemoteInterface in class AbstractNameMapper
        ejbName - the name of the ejb which contains fieldName from which to find relationship and therefore the remote interface
        fieldName - the name of the field in the ejb
        interfaceName - the name of the remote interface
        the name of the ejb for the specified remote interface
      • getRemoteInterfaceForEjbName

        public String getRemoteInterfaceForEjbName​(String name)
        Gets the name of the remote interface which corresponds to the specified ejb name.
        Specified by:
        getRemoteInterfaceForEjbName in class AbstractNameMapper
        name - the name of the ejb
        the name of the remote interface for the specified ejb
      • getEjbFieldForPersistenceField

        public String getEjbFieldForPersistenceField​(String className,
                                                     String fieldName)
        Gets the name of the field in the ejb which corresponds to the specified persistence-capable class name and field name pair.
        Specified by:
        getEjbFieldForPersistenceField in class AbstractNameMapper
        className - the name of the persistence-capable
        fieldName - the name of the field in the persistence-capable
        the name of the field in the ejb for the specified persistence-capable field
      • getPersistenceFieldForEjbField

        public String getPersistenceFieldForEjbField​(String name,
                                                     String fieldName)
        Gets the name of the field in the persistence-capable class which corresponds to the specified ejb name and field name pair.
        Specified by:
        getPersistenceFieldForEjbField in class AbstractNameMapper
        name - the name of the ejb
        fieldName - the name of the field in the ejb
        the name of the field in the persistence-capable for the specified ejb field