Class NameMapper

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class NameMapper
    extends AbstractNameMapper
    This is a class which helps translate between the various names of the CMP (ejb name, abstract schema, abstract bean, concrete bean, local interface, remote interface) and the persistence-capable class name. It also has methods for translation of field names. The basic entry point is ejb name or persistence-capable class name. This is a subclass of the AbstractNameMapper and implements the methods based on DOL. It also adds methods which are used during deployment time but not needed during development time and therefore, not in the abstract superclass.
    Rochelle Raccah
    • Constructor Detail

      • NameMapper

        protected NameMapper​(EjbBundleDescriptorImpl bundleDescriptor)
        Creates a new instance of NameMapper
        bundleDescriptor - the EjbBundleDescriptor which defines the universe of names for this application.
    • Method Detail

      • getBundleDescriptor

        public EjbBundleDescriptorImpl getBundleDescriptor()
        Gets the EjbBundleDescriptor which defines the universe of names for this application.
        the EjbBundleDescriptor which defines the universe of names for this application.
      • getDescriptorForEjbName

        public abstract EjbCMPEntityDescriptor getDescriptorForEjbName​(String name)
        Gets the EjbCMPEntityDescriptor which represents the ejb with the specified name.
        name - the name of the ejb
        the EjbCMPEntityDescriptor which represents the ejb.
      • getEjbNameForAbstractSchema

        public abstract String getEjbNameForAbstractSchema​(String schemaName)
        Gets the name of the ejb which corresponds to the specified abstract schema name.
        schemaName - the name of the abstract schema
        the name of the ejb for the specified abstract schema
      • getConcreteBeanClassForEjbName

        public abstract String getConcreteBeanClassForEjbName​(String name)
        Gets the name of the concrete bean class which corresponds to the specified ejb.
        name - the name of the ejb
        the name of the concrete bean for the specified ejb