Class LoggerFactoryiAS

    • Field Detail


        protected String DOMAIN_ROOT
        The top level of the logger domain for application server.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LoggerFactoryiAS

        public LoggerFactoryiAS()
        Creates new LoggerFactory
    • Method Detail

      • createLogger

        protected LoggerJDK14 createLogger​(String absoluteLoggerName,
                                           String bundleName)
        Create a new Logger. Create a logger for the named component. The bundle name is passed to allow the implementation to properly find and construct the internationalization bundle. This operation is executed as a privileged action to allow permission access for the following operations: ServerLogManager.initializeServerLogger
        createLogger in class LoggerFactoryJDK14
        absoluteLoggerName - the absolute name of this logger
        bundleName - the fully qualified name of the resource bundle
        the logger