Class LoggerFactoryJDK14

    • Constructor Detail

      • LoggerFactoryJDK14

        public LoggerFactoryJDK14()
        Creates new LoggerFactory
    • Method Detail

      • getMessages

        protected static ResourceBundle getMessages()
        Get the message bundle for the AbstractLogger itself.
      • createLogger

        protected Logger createLogger​(String absoluteLoggerName,
                                      String bundleName,
                                      ClassLoader loader)
        Create a new Logger. create a logger for the named component. The bundle name and class loader are passed to allow the implementation to properly find and construct the internationalization bundle. This operation is executed as a privileged action to allow permission access for the following operations: LogManager.getLogManager().addLogger - this might do checkAccess. new FileHandler FileHandler.setLevel FileHandler.setFormatter Logger.addHandler
        Specified by:
        createLogger in class AbstractLoggerFactory
        absoluteLoggerName - the absolute name of this logger
        bundleName - the fully qualified name of the resource bundle
        loader - the class loader used to load the resource bundle, or null
        the logger
      • setContextClassLoader

        protected void setContextClassLoader​(ClassLoader loader)
        This method throws SecurityException if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission("control")) or the calling code is not placed in the doPrivileged() block.
      • configureFileHandler

        protected void configureFileHandler​(LoggerJDK14 logger)
        This method throws SecurityException if a security manager exists and if the caller does not have LoggingPermission("control")) or the calling code is not placed in the doPrivileged() block.