Class VariableTable

  • public class VariableTable
    extends Object
    The variable table
    Michael Bouschen
    • Field Detail

      • messages

        protected static final ResourceBundle messages
        I18N support
    • Constructor Detail

      • VariableTable

        public VariableTable​(ErrorMsg errorMsg)
        Create an empty variable table
      • VariableTable

        public VariableTable​(VariableTable other)
        Create a variable table initialized with the entries of the other variable table. The constructor creates copies of the values stored in the map (instances of class VarInfo).
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public void add​(String name)
        Creates a new entry in the variable table with the specified name as key and an empty value.
      • markUsed

        public void markUsed​(JQLAST variable,
                             String dependendVar)
        Mark the specified variable as used. The method sets the info field of the VarInfo object to true.
      • markConstraint

        public void markConstraint​(JQLAST variable,
                                   JQLAST expr)
        Mark the specified variable as constaint with the specified expr. The method sets the constraint field of the VarInfo object to true.
      • merge

        public void merge​(VariableTable other)
        Merges the specified variable table (other) into this variable table.
      • checkConstraints

        public void checkConstraints()
      • checkConstraint

        protected void checkConstraint​(String variable,
      • attachConstraintToUsedAST

        protected void attachConstraintToUsedAST​( info)