Class SelectQueryPlan

    • Field Detail

      • ST_C_BUILT

        public static final int ST_C_BUILT
        This plans's constraints are already processed.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • ST_OC_BUILT

        public static final int ST_OC_BUILT
        This plans's order by constraints are already processed.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • constraint

        protected Constraint constraint
        Pointer to the retrieve descriptor's constraint stack. NOTE: The retrieve descriptor's stack will be modified building the query plan!
      • options

        public int options
        Bitmask constaining OPT_* Constants defined in RetrieveDescImpl
      • parentField

        protected ForeignFieldDesc parentField
        This foreign field joins this plan to the parent plan. The field is from config of the parent plan. Used only for dependent plan.

        public static final String MULTILEVEL_PREFETCH_PROPERTY
        Name of the MULTILEVEL_PREFETCH property.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • SelectQueryPlan

        public SelectQueryPlan​(ActionDesc desc,
                               SQLStoreManager store,
                               Concurrency concurrency)
        Creates a new SelectQueryPlan.
        desc - Retrieve descriptor holding the query information from the query compiler. This information includes selected fields and the query constraints. desc must be an instance of RetrieveDescImpl.
        store - Store manager executing the query.
        concurrency - Query concurrency.
    • Method Detail

      • newInstance

        public static SelectQueryPlan newInstance​(RetrieveDescImpl desc,
                                                  SQLStoreManager store,
                                                  Concurrency concurrency)
        Creates a new instance of SelectQueryPlan depending on the retrieve descriptor options.
        desc - The retrieve descriptor
        store - The store
        concurrency - The concurrency for the plan.
        An instance of SelectQueryPlan depending on the retrieve descriptor options.
      • getConstraint

        public Constraint getConstraint()
      • addTable

        protected void addTable​(LocalFieldDesc fieldDesc)
        The addTable method is used to add tables correponding to a field to the plan. No columns corresponding the field are added to the plan.
        fieldDesc - The field for which we need to add table
      • addColumn

        protected void addColumn​(LocalFieldDesc fieldDesc)
        The addColumn method is used to specify a field for which data needs to be retrieved and therefore for which we need to select a column.
        fieldDesc - The field for which we need to retrieve data and therefore for which we need to select a column.
      • processStatements

        protected void processStatements()
        Description copied from class: QueryPlan
        This method goes through the statement list and tries to set up relationship between statements based on secondary table keys.
        processStatements in class QueryPlan
      • processFields

        protected void processFields()
        Process the fields from the retrieve descriptor's field list. Must be overwritten by subquery plans!
      • processConstraints

        protected void processConstraints()
      • addJoinConstraint

        protected void addJoinConstraint​(SelectQueryPlan fromPlan,
                                         SelectQueryPlan toPlan,
                                         ArrayList fromColumns,
                                         ArrayList toColumns,
                                         int joinOp)
        Put in a join constraint to the foreign table.
        fromPlan - The plan for fromColumns
        toPlan - The plan for toColumns
        fromColumns - List of local columns.
        toColumns - List of foreign columns.
        joinOp - Join operation. This operation is never a non relationship join.
      • processOrderConstraints

        public void processOrderConstraints()
        Converts ConstraintFieldName used in Order by constraints into ConstraintFieldDesc using ConstraintFieldName#originalPlan.
        Currently unused functionality:
        Gets all the "order by" constraints from the the current stack. The constraints are ordered such that any "order by" constraint with position N is placed before any "order by" constraint with position N+m, where m > 0. Also any "order by" constraint with no position (i.e. position < 0) are placed immediately following the previous "order by" constraint with a position. The order of the "order by" constraints on the constraint stack is changed to effect this ordering. NOTE: The value constraints giving the position for the order by constraints is currently not generated by the query compiler.
      • getResult

        public Object getResult​(PersistenceManager pm,
                                ResultSet resultData)
                         throws SQLException
        Extract data from given resultData
        pm - The PersistenceManager.
        resultData - The result set from which data is to be extracted.
        Result from the given resultData