Class JavaTypeHelper

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class JavaTypeHelper
    extends Object
    This is a helper class which provides some basic java type convenience methods: extraction of a package from a fully qualified class name, extraction of a short (non-qualified) name from a fully qualified class name, and various wrapper and primitive type methods.
    Rochelle Raccah
    • Constructor Detail

      • JavaTypeHelper

        public JavaTypeHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • getPackageName

        public static String getPackageName​(String className)
        Returns the package portion of the specified class
        className - the name of the class from which to extract the package
        package portion of the specified class
      • getShortClassName

        public static String getShortClassName​(String className)
        Returns the name of a class without the package name. For example: if input = "java.lang.Object" , then output = "Object".
        className - fully qualified classname
      • getWrapperClass

        public static Class getWrapperClass​(Class primitive)
        Returns the wrapper class associated with the supplied primitive class.
        primitive - the primitive class to be used for lookup.
        the associated wrapper class.
      • getPrimitiveClass

        public static Class getPrimitiveClass​(String primitiveName)
        Returns the primitive class associated with the supplied primitive type name.
        primitiveName - the name of the primitive to be used for lookup.
        the associated primitive class.
      • getWrapperName

        public static String getWrapperName​(String primitiveName)
        Returns the name of the wrapper class associated with the supplied primitive type name.
        primitiveName - the name of the primitive to be used for lookup.
        the associated wrapper class name.
      • getPrimitiveName

        public static String getPrimitiveName​(Class wrapper)
        Returns the name of the primitive type associated with the supplied wrapper class.
        wrapper - the wrapper class to be used for lookup.
        the associated primitive type name.
      • valueOf

        public static Boolean valueOf​(boolean flag)
        Returns the Boolean wrapper object for true or false corresponding to the supplied argument. This is to provide a convenience method for this conversion but to prevent calling the Boolean constructor which has been determined to be unnecessary and a performance problem. JDK 1.4 provides such a method, but some of our code still works with JDK 1.3.
        flag - the primitive boolean object to be translated to a Boolean wrapper.
        the associated true/false shared wrapper object