Class JavaClassWriterHelper

    • Constructor Detail

      • JavaClassWriterHelper

        public JavaClassWriterHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • getBodyAsStrings

        public static String[] getBodyAsStrings​(String body)
        Converts method body into String array.
        body - as String with each substring separated by "\n"
        method body as String array.
      • getWrapperType

        public static Class getWrapperType​(Class cls)
        Returns java Object wrapper Class corresponding to the primitive Class if the passed class represents a primitive. If the parameter is of Object type, it is returned.
        cls - the primitive Class to find Object wrapper for.
        Object type Class.
      • getWrapperExpr

        public static String getWrapperExpr​(Class exprType,
                                            String expr)
        A helper method which generates an expression to wrap a primitive datatype to its corresponding wrapper class.
        exprType - The class of the primitive type
        expr - The expression representing a primtive typevalue
        A String containing the expression for wrapping the primitive datatype in its corresponding wrapperclass
      • getUnwrapMethodName

        public static String getUnwrapMethodName​(Class primitiveType)
        Returns the name of the method to access the value of the primitive type of the wrapper class. example: boolean.class is mapped to "booleanValue()".
        primitiveType - the class object of the primitive type.
        the name of the method to access the primitive value of the wrapper
      • getPrimitiveType

        public static String getPrimitiveType​(Class cls)
        Returns name of the primitive type corresponding to the Object wrapper Class passed as a parameter. If the parameter is of primitive type, its name is returned.
        cls - the Object wrapper Class to find name of the primitive type for.
        name of the primitive type as String.
      • getExceptionNames

        public static String[] getExceptionNames​(Method m)
        Returns exception type names as String[].
        m - the Method to identify exception types for.
        exception type names as String[].
      • getParameterTypesList

        public static String getParameterTypesList​(Method m)
        Returns list of method parameter types in format type0[,type1[,...]]
        m - the Method to identify list of method parameters for.
        list of method parameter types as String
      • getParametersList

        public static String getParametersList​(Method m)
        Returns list of method parameters in format param0[, param1[,...]]
        m - the Method to identify list of method parameters for.
        list of method parameters as String
      • getParametersListWithSeparator

        public static String getParametersListWithSeparator​(Method m,
                                                            String sep)
        Returns list of method parameters delimited by specified separator
        m - the Method to identify list of method parameters for.
        sep - the separator to be used to delimit the parameter names
        list of method parameters as String
      • addFields

        public static void addFields​(String prop,
                                     int modifiers,
                                     JavaClassWriter writer)
                              throws IOException
        Adds fields to a class parsing the multi-String property.
        prop - String to use for field generation.
        modifiers - other field modifiers for these fields.
        writer - the Class writer.
        IOException - if writer fails to add a field.
      • addPrivateField

        public static void addPrivateField​(String prop,
                                           int modifiers,
                                           JavaClassWriter writer)
                                    throws IOException
        Adds private fields to a class parsing the multi-String property.
        prop - String to use for field generation.
        modifiers - field modifiers for these fields.
        IOException - if writer fails to add a field.
      • addGenericMethod

        public static void addGenericMethod​(String mname,
                                            String[] body,
                                            JavaClassWriter writer)
                                     throws IOException
        Adds a private void no-args method to a class with this method body.
        mname - method name
        body - the method body as String[]
        IOException - if writer fails to add a field.
      • addGenericMethod

        public static void addGenericMethod​(String mname,
                                            String type,
                                            String[] body,
                                            JavaClassWriter writer)
                                     throws IOException
        Adds a private no-args method to a class with this method body and return type.
        mname - method name
        type - return type of the method
        body - the method body as String[]
        IOException - if writer fails to add a field.
      • addGenericMethod

        public static void addGenericMethod​(String mname,
                                            int modifiers,
                                            String[] body,
                                            JavaClassWriter writer)
                                     throws IOException
        Adds a private void no-args method to a class with this method body and modifiers.
        mname - method name
        modifiers - the method modifiers
        body - the method body as String[]
        IOException - if writer fails to add a field.
      • addGenericMethod

        public static void addGenericMethod​(String mname,
                                            int modifiers,
                                            String type,
                                            String[] body,
                                            JavaClassWriter writer)
                                     throws IOException
        Adds a private void no-args method to a class with this method body, modifiers, and return type.
        mname - method name
        modifiers - the method modifiers
        type - return type of the method
        body - the method body as String[]
        IOException - if writer fails to add a field.
      • addGenericMethod

        public static void addGenericMethod​(Method m,
                                            String mname,
                                            String mtype,
                                            String body,
                                            JavaClassWriter writer)
                                     throws IOException
        Adds a method to a class parsing the multi-String property.
        m - Method that describes one to be added to the bean.
        mname - method name if different from Method#getName(). This will be true for finder/selector/create methods.
        mtype - return type of the method, that can differ from the bean's local or remote interface.
        body - String to use for method body generation.
        IOException - if writer fails to add a field.
      • getTypeRepr

        public static String getTypeRepr​(Class clazz)
        Returns the String representation of the specified class instance. An array is represented as the name of the element type followed by [].