Class RolesPermittedInterceptor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RolesPermittedInterceptor
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    The RolesPermitted Interceptor authenticates requests to methods and classes annotated with the @RolesPermitted annotation. If the security context cannot find a role within the requestor which matches either all (if using the AND semantic within the RolesPermitted annotation) or one of (if using the OR semantic within the RolesPermitted annotation), then a CallerAccessException is thrown.
    Michael Ranaldo , Arjan Tijms
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • RolesPermittedInterceptor

        public RolesPermittedInterceptor​(@Intercepted
                                         jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.Bean<?> interceptedBean)
    • Method Detail

      • method

        public Object method​(jakarta.interceptor.InvocationContext invocationContext)
                      throws Exception
        Method invoked whenever a method annotated with @Roles, or a method within a class annotated with @Roles is called.
        invocationContext - Context provided by Weld.
        Proceed to next interceptor in chain.
        CallerAccessException - if access is not permitted
      • checkAccessPermitted

        public boolean checkAccessPermitted​(RolesPermitted roles,
                                            jakarta.interceptor.InvocationContext invocationContext)
        Check that the roles allowed by the class or method match the roles currently granted to the caller.
        roles - The roles declared within the @Roles annotation.
        invocationContext -
        True if access is allowed, false otherwise
      • getAnnotationFromMethod

        public static <A extends AnnotationOptional<A> getAnnotationFromMethod​(jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.BeanManager beanManager,
                                                                                 Method annotatedMethod,
                                                                                 Class<A> annotationType)