Class CoyoteServerSocketFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CoyoteServerSocketFactory
    extends Object
    implements ServerSocketFactory
    This socket factory holds secure socket factory parameters. Besides the usual configuration mechanism based on setting JavaBeans properties, this component may also be configured by passing a series of attributes set with calls to setAttribute(). The following attribute names are recognized, with default values in square brackets:
    • algorithm - Certificate encoding algorithm to use. [SunX509]
    • clientAuth - Require client authentication if set to true. [false]
    • keystoreFile - Pathname to the Key Store file to be loaded. This must be an absolute path, or a relative path that is resolved against the "catalina.base" system property. ["./keystore" in the user home directory]
    • keystorePass - Password for the Key Store file to be loaded. ["changeit"]
    • keystoreType - Type of the Key Store file to be loaded. ["JKS"]
    • protocol - SSL protocol to use. [TLS]
    Harish Prabandham, Costin Manolache, Craig McClanahan
    • Constructor Detail

      • CoyoteServerSocketFactory

        public CoyoteServerSocketFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • getAlgorithm

        public String getAlgorithm()
        Gets the certificate encoding algorithm to be used.
        Certificate encoding algorithm
      • setAlgorithm

        public void setAlgorithm​(String algorithm)
        Sets the certificate encoding algorithm to be used.
        algorithm - Certificate encoding algorithm
      • getClientAuth

        public boolean getClientAuth()
        Provides information about whether client authentication is enforced.
        true if client authentication is enforced, false otherwise
      • setClientAuth

        public void setClientAuth​(boolean clientAuth)
        Sets the requirement of client authentication.
        clientAuth - true if client authentication is enforced, false otherwise
      • getKeystoreFile

        public String getKeystoreFile()
        Gets the pathname to the keystore file.
        Pathname to the keystore file
      • setKeystoreFile

        public void setKeystoreFile​(String keystoreFile)
        Sets the pathname to the keystore file.
        keystoreFile - Pathname to the keystore file
      • getRandomFile

        public String getRandomFile()
        Gets the pathname to the random file.
        Pathname to the random file
      • setRandomFile

        public void setRandomFile​(String randomFile)
        Sets the pathname to the random file.
        randomFile - Pathname to the random file
      • getRootFile

        public String getRootFile()
        Gets the pathname to the root list.
        Pathname to the root list
      • setRootFile

        public void setRootFile​(String rootFile)
        Sets the pathname to the root list.
        rootFile - Pathname to the root list
      • getKeystorePass

        public String getKeystorePass()
        Gets the keystore password.
        Keystore password
      • setKeystorePass

        public void setKeystorePass​(String keystorePass)
        Sets the keystore password.
        keystorePass - Keystore password
      • getKeystoreType

        public String getKeystoreType()
        Gets the keystore type.
        Keystore type
      • setKeystoreType

        public void setKeystoreType​(String keystoreType)
        Sets the keystore type.
        keystoreType - Keystore type
      • getProtocol

        public String getProtocol()
        Gets the SSL protocol variant to be used.
        SSL protocol variant
      • setProtocol

        public void setProtocol​(String protocol)
        Sets the SSL protocol variant to be used.
        protocol - SSL protocol variant
      • getProtocols

        public String getProtocols()
        Gets the SSL protocol variants to be enabled.
        Comma-separated list of SSL protocol variants
      • setProtocols

        public void setProtocols​(String protocols)
        Sets the SSL protocol variants to be enabled.
        protocols - Comma-separated list of SSL protocol variants
      • getSSLImplementation

        public String getSSLImplementation()
        Gets the name of the SSL implementation to be used.
        SSL implementation name
      • setSSLImplementation

        public void setSSLImplementation​(String sslImplementation)
        Sets the name of the SSL implementation to be used.
        sslImplementation - SSL implementation name
      • getKeyAlias

        public String getKeyAlias()
        Gets the alias name of the keypair and supporting certificate chain used by the server to authenticate itself to SSL clients.
        The alias name of the keypair and supporting certificate chain
      • setKeyAlias

        public void setKeyAlias​(String alias)
        Sets the alias name of the keypair and supporting certificate chain used by the server to authenticate itself to SSL clients.
        alias - The alias name of the keypair and supporting certificate chain
      • getCiphers

        public String getCiphers()
        Gets the list of SSL cipher suites that are to be enabled
        Comma-separated list of SSL cipher suites, or null if all cipher suites supported by the underlying SSL implementation are being enabled
      • setCiphers

        public void setCiphers​(String ciphers)
        Sets the SSL cipher suites that are to be enabled. Only those SSL cipher suites that are actually supported by the underlying SSL implementation will be enabled.
        ciphers - Comma-separated list of SSL cipher suites
      • createSocket

        public ServerSocket createSocket​(int port)
        Description copied from interface: ServerSocketFactory
        Returns a server socket which uses all network interfaces on the host, and is bound to a the specified port. The socket is configured with the socket options (such as accept timeout) given to this factory.
        Specified by:
        createSocket in interface ServerSocketFactory
        port - the port to listen to
      • createSocket

        public ServerSocket createSocket​(int port,
                                         int backlog)
        Description copied from interface: ServerSocketFactory
        Returns a server socket which uses all network interfaces on the host, is bound to a the specified port, and uses the specified connection backlog. The socket is configured with the socket options (such as accept timeout) given to this factory.
        Specified by:
        createSocket in interface ServerSocketFactory
        port - the port to listen to
        backlog - how many connections are queued
      • createSocket

        public ServerSocket createSocket​(int port,
                                         int backlog,
                                         InetAddress ifAddress)
        Description copied from interface: ServerSocketFactory
        Returns a server socket which uses only the specified network interface on the local host, is bound to a the specified port, and uses the specified connection backlog. The socket is configured with the socket options (such as accept timeout) given to this factory.
        Specified by:
        createSocket in interface ServerSocketFactory
        port - the port to listen to
        backlog - how many connections are queued
        ifAddress - the network interface address to use