Interface ServerSocketFactory

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    CoyoteServerSocketFactory, DefaultServerSocketFactory, SSLSocketFactory

    public interface ServerSocketFactory
    Interface that describes the common characteristics of factory classes that create server sockets which may be required by a Connector. A concrete implementation of this interface will be assigned to a Connector via the setFactory() method.
    [email protected], Harish Prabandham, Craig R. McClanahan
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      ServerSocket createSocket​(int port)
      Returns a server socket which uses all network interfaces on the host, and is bound to a the specified port.
      ServerSocket createSocket​(int port, int backlog)
      Returns a server socket which uses all network interfaces on the host, is bound to a the specified port, and uses the specified connection backlog.
      ServerSocket createSocket​(int port, int backlog, InetAddress ifAddress)
      Returns a server socket which uses only the specified network interface on the local host, is bound to a the specified port, and uses the specified connection backlog.