Class Enumerator<T>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class Enumerator<T>
    extends Object
    implements Enumeration<T>
    Adapter class that wraps an Enumeration around a Java2 collection classes object Iterator so that existing APIs returning Enumerations can easily run on top of the new collections. Constructors are provided to easliy create such wrappers.
    $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2005/12/08 01:28:15 $
    Craig R. McClanahan
    • Constructor Detail

      • Enumerator

        public Enumerator​(Collection<T> collection)
        Return an Enumeration over the values of the specified Collection.
        collection - Collection whose values should be enumerated
      • Enumerator

        public Enumerator​(Collection<T> collection,
                          boolean clone)
        Return an Enumeration over the values of the specified Collection.
        collection - Collection whose values should be enumerated
        clone - true to clone iterator
      • Enumerator

        public Enumerator​(Iterator<T> iterator)
        Return an Enumeration over the values returned by the specified Iterator.
        iterator - Iterator to be wrapped
      • Enumerator

        public Enumerator​(Iterator<T> iterator,
                          boolean clone)
        Return an Enumeration over the values returned by the specified Iterator.
        iterator - Iterator to be wrapped
        clone - true to clone iterator
      • Enumerator

        public Enumerator​(Map<?,​T> map)
        Return an Enumeration over the values of the specified Map.
        map - Map whose values should be enumerated
      • Enumerator

        public Enumerator​(Map<?,​T> map,
                          boolean clone)
        Return an Enumeration over the values of the specified Map.
        map - Map whose values should be enumerated
        clone - true to clone iterator
    • Method Detail

      • hasMoreElements

        public boolean hasMoreElements()
        Tests if this enumeration contains more elements.
        Specified by:
        hasMoreElements in interface Enumeration<T>
        true if and only if this enumeration object contains at least one more element to provide, false otherwise