Interface AMXConfigProxy

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AMX_SPI, AMXProxy, AttributeResolver

    public interface AMXConfigProxy
    extends AMXProxy, AttributeResolver
    Extending this proxy interface implies that the class is part of the MBean API for configuration, that the interface is a dynamic proxy to a config MBean.

    Note that considerable metadata is available for config MBeans, via MBeanInfo.getDescriptor().

    See Also:
    AMXProxy, AMXConfigConstants
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultValues

        @Description("Get the default values for child type")
        Map<String,​String> getDefaultValues​(@Param(name="type")
                                                  String type,
                                                  @Param(name="useAMXAttributeName") @Description("true to use Attribute names, false to use XML names")
                                                  boolean useAMXAttributeName)
        Return a Map of default values for the specified child type. The resulting Map is keyed by the attribute name, either the AMX attribute name or the xml attribute name.
        type - the J2EEType of the child
        useAMXAttributeName - whether to key the values by the the AMX Attribute name or XML attribute name
        Glassfish V3.
      • getDefaultValues

        @Description("Get the available default values")
        Map<String,​String> getDefaultValues​(@Param(name="useAMXAttributeName") @Description("true to use Attribute names, false to use XML names")
                                                  boolean useAMXAttributeName)
        Return a Map of default values for this MBean.
        useAMXAttributeName - whether to key the values by the XML attribute name vs the AMX Attribute name
      • createChild

        @Description("Create a child of the specified type")
        AMXConfigProxy createChild​(@Param(name="childType")
                                   String childType,
                                   @Param(name="params") @Description("name/value pairs for attributes")
                                   Map<String,​Object> params)
        Generic creation of an AMXConfigProxy based on the desired XML element type, which must be legitimate for the containing element.

        Required attributes must be specified, and should all be 'String' (The Map value is declared with a type of of 'Object' anticipating future extensions). Use the ATTR_NAME key for the name.

        childType - the XML element type
        params - Map containing attributes which are required by the @Configured and any optional attributes (as desired).
        proxy interface to the newly-created AMXConfigProxy
      • createChildren

        AMXConfigProxy[] createChildren​(@Param(name="childrenMaps") @Description("Keyed by type, then one Map per child of that type, with each map containing name/value pairs for attributes")
                                        Map<String,​Map<String,​Object>[]> childrenMaps,
                                        @Param(name="attrs") @Description("Attributes to be set on the parent element")
                                        Map<String,​Object> attrs)
        Create one or more children of any type(s). Outer map is keyed by type. Inner maps are the attributes of each child. At the same time, attributes can be set on the parent element via 'attrs'. The entire operation is transactional (all or none).
      • removeChild

        ObjectName removeChild​(@Param(name="childType")
                               String childType,
                               String name)
        Remove a config by type and name.
        childType - the AMX j2eeType as defined
        name - the name of the child
        the ObjectName of the removed child, or null if not found
      • removeChild

        ObjectName removeChild​(@Param(name="childType")
                               String childType)
        Generically remove a config by type (child must be a singleton)
        childType - the AMX j2eeType as defined
        the ObjectName of the removed child, or null if not found