Interface Logging

    • Method Detail

      • setModuleLogLevel

        @Description("Sets the log level of the Logger for the specified module")
        void setModuleLogLevel​(@Param(name="moduleName")
                               String moduleName,
                               String level)
        Sets the log level of the Logger for the specified module. This operation will not effect a change to the corresponding loggin configuration for that module.
        module - a module name as specified in LogModuleNames.
        level - a log level
      • getModuleLogLevel

        @Description("Gets the log level of the Logger for the specified module")
        String getModuleLogLevel​(@Param(name="moduleName")
                                 String moduleName)
        Gets the log level of the Logger for the specified module, which may or may not be the same as that found in the configuration.
        moduleName - a module name as specified in LogModuleNames
      • updateLoggingProperties

        @Description("Sets the value of one or more logging properties")
        void updateLoggingProperties​(@Param(name="properties")
                                     Map<String,​String> properties)
        Sets the log level of the Logger for the specified module. This operation will not effect a change to the corresponding loggin configuration for that module.
      • updateLoggingAttributes

        @Description("Set value of the value of one or more of the logging configuration properties.")
        void updateLoggingAttributes​(@Param(name="properties")
                                     Map<String,​String> properties)
        Sets the value of one or more of the logging configuration properties .
      • testEmitLogMessage

        void testEmitLogMessage​(@Param(name="level")
                                String level,
                                String message)
        This method may be used to verify that your Logging listener is working correctly.
        level - the log level of the log message.
        message - the message to be placed in Notif.getMessage()