Class InputStreamInboundPayload

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class InputStreamInboundPayload
    extends PayloadImpl.Inbound
    Implementation of a Payload.Inbound that works with InputStreams Usage is like this: CommandRunner.CommandInvocation ci = commandRunner.getCommandInvocation("some-command", areport, theSubject); InputStreamPayload in = new InputStreamInboundPayload(); // get an InputStream is from somewhere in.addStream("someoption", is) // get another InputStream for the operand in.addStream("DEFAULT", is) ParameterMap map = new ParameterMap(); // populate map with other options ci.inbound(in).parameters(map).execute();
    Tom Mueller
    • Constructor Detail

      • InputStreamInboundPayload

        public InputStreamInboundPayload()