Class PayloadImpl.Inbound

    • Constructor Detail

      • Inbound

        public Inbound()
    • Method Detail

      • newInstance

        public static PayloadImpl.Inbound newInstance​(String payloadContentType,
                                                      InputStream is)
                                               throws IOException
        Creates a new Inbound Payload of the given content type, read from the specified InputStream. The payloadContentType should be the content-type from the inbound http request or response.
        payloadContentType - content-type from the inbound http request or response
        is - the InputStream from which the Payload should be read
        the prepared Payload
      • getHeaderName

        public String getHeaderName()
        Description copied from interface: Payload.Inbound
        Returns the name of the header that should be set in the outgoing and incoming http request or response.
        Specified by:
        getHeaderName in interface Payload.Inbound
        the header name