Class TagSupport

    • Constructor Detail

      • TagSupport

        public TagSupport()
    • Method Detail

      • addTag

        public static void addTag​(String tagName,
                                  String tagViewId,
                                  String displayName,
                                  String user)

        This method adds a tag for the given tagViewId and user. If the tagViewId is new, it will store the given displayName.

      • queryTags

        public static List<Tag> queryTags​(String tagName,
                                          String tagViewId,
                                          String user)

        This method searches the tags based on the given criteria. Any of the criteria may be null, meaning not to filter by that criterion.

        tagName - Name of the tag to find, not required. May be null if tagViewId, or user is supplied -- or to return all tags.
        tagViewId - Unique id for the page to search for tags. May be null (for all pages).
        user - User id. From getUserPrincipal() in some cases? Allow seeing tags created by specific users. May be null (for all users).
        Returns the search results, or null if nothing is found.
      • removeTag

        public static void removeTag​(String tagName,
                                     String tagViewId,
                                     String user)

        This method removes a Tag.

      • normalizeTagViewId

        public static String normalizeTagViewId​(String tagViewId)

        tagViewId's are expected to be context relative paths. These tagViewId's may include QUERY_STRING parameters if they are used to determine the content of the page. This means, we must take extra special care to normalize the order of important QUERY_STRING properties. We also need to ensure leading (or intermediate) '/' characters are normalized, and that the extension is normalized (this method will ensure all tagViewId's end in .jsf).

        Case will be preserved.

      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)