Interface PasswordAliasStore

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    JCEKSDomainPasswordAliasStore, JCEKSPasswordAliasStore

    public interface PasswordAliasStore
    Represents a fully-functional password alias store.

    If the implementation holds the aliases and passwords in memory, it handles loading and saving the in-memory contents from and to persistent storage, at the discretion of the implementer. For example, loading would typically happen when the password alias store implementation is first instantiated, although an implementation could choose to load lazily on first read. Saving is at the discretion of the implementer as well, although to maximize reliability the implementation should persist changes as they occur. The ) methods can help optimize that.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void clear()
      Deletes all password aliases from the store.
      boolean containsKey​(String alias)
      Reports whether the store contains the specified alias.
      char[] get​(String alias)
      Returns the password associated with the specified alias.
      boolean isEmpty()
      Reports whether the alias store is empty.
      Iterator<String> keys()
      Returns an Iterator over aliases present in the alias store.
      void put​(String alias, char[] password)
      Insert a new alias with the specified password, or assigns a new password to an existing alias.
      void putAll​(Map<String,​char[]> settings)
      Adds a group of alias/password pairs in a single operation.
      void putAll​(PasswordAliasStore otherStore)
      Adds all alias/password pairs from the specified store to this store.
      void remove​(String alias)
      Removes the specified alias (and the associated password) from the password alias store.
      int size()
      Reports the number of aliases present in the store.
    • Method Detail

      • containsKey

        boolean containsKey​(String alias)
        Reports whether the store contains the specified alias.
        alias - the alias to check for
        true if the alias appears in the store; false otherwise
      • get

        char[] get​(String alias)
        Returns the password associated with the specified alias.
        alias - the alias of interest
        the password for that alias, if the store contains the alias; null otherwise
      • isEmpty

        boolean isEmpty()
        Reports whether the alias store is empty.
      • keys

        Iterator<String> keys()
        Returns an Iterator over aliases present in the alias store.
      • size

        int size()
        Reports the number of aliases present in the store.
      • clear

        void clear()
        Deletes all password aliases from the store.
      • put

        void put​(String alias,
                 char[] password)
        Insert a new alias with the specified password, or assigns a new password to an existing alias.
        alias - the alias to create or reassign
        password - the password to be associated with the alias
      • putAll

        void putAll​(PasswordAliasStore otherStore)
        Adds all alias/password pairs from the specified store to this store.
        otherStore - the alias store from which to get entries
      • remove

        void remove​(String alias)
        Removes the specified alias (and the associated password) from the password alias store.
        alias - the alias to be removed