Class SunConfigBean

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    javax.enterprise.deploy.model.XpathListener, javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.DConfigBean

    public abstract class SunConfigBean
    extends Object
    implements javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.DConfigBean, javax.enterprise.deploy.model.XpathListener
    Superclass for all the ConfigBeans. ConfigBeans are organized with a parent-child relationship. The parent defines xPaths and their mapping to child beans and return this mapping from the getXPathToBeanMapping method. Each bean is associated with a DOL descriptor (virtual field for this class) accessible through the getDescriptor() call.
    Jerome Dochez
    • Constructor Detail

      • SunConfigBean

        public SunConfigBean()
    • Method Detail

      • getDConfigBean

        public javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.DConfigBean getDConfigBean​(javax.enterprise.deploy.model.DDBean bean)
                                                               throws javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.exceptions.ConfigurationException
        Return the JavaBean containing the server-specific deployment configuration information based upon the XML data provided by the DDBean.
        Specified by:
        getDConfigBean in interface javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.DConfigBean
        bean - The DDBean containing the XML data to be evaluated.
        The DConfigBean to display the server-specific properties for the standard bean.
        javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.exceptions.ConfigurationException - reports errors in generating a configuration bean. This DDBean is considered undeployable to this server until this exception is resolved. A suitably descriptive message is required so the user can diagnose the error.
      • getDDBean

        public javax.enterprise.deploy.model.DDBean getDDBean()
        Return the JavaBean containing the deployment descriptor XML text associated with this DConfigBean.
        Specified by:
        getDDBean in interface javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.DConfigBean
        The bean class containing the XML text for this DConfigBean.
      • setDDBean

        protected void setDDBean​(javax.enterprise.deploy.model.DDBean ddBean)
                          throws Exception
        we are being set a new DDBean, we need to reevaluate ourself.
        DDBean - is the new standard DDBean container
      • notifyDDChange

        public void notifyDDChange​(javax.enterprise.deploy.model.XpathEvent xpathEvent)
        A notification that the DDBean provided in the event has changed and this bean or its child beans need to reevaluate themselves.
        Specified by:
        notifyDDChange in interface javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.DConfigBean
        event - an event containing a reference to the DDBean which has changed.
      • removeDConfigBean

        public void removeDConfigBean​(javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.DConfigBean dConfigBean)
                               throws javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.exceptions.BeanNotFoundException
        Remove a child DConfigBean from this bean.
        Specified by:
        removeDConfigBean in interface javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.DConfigBean
        bean - The child DConfigBean to be removed.
        BeanNotFoundException - the bean provided is not in the child list of this bean.
      • addPropertyChangeListener

        public void addPropertyChangeListener​(PropertyChangeListener propertyChangeListener)
        Register a property listener for this bean.
        Specified by:
        addPropertyChangeListener in interface javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.DConfigBean
        pcl - PropertyChangeListener to add
      • removePropertyChangeListener

        public void removePropertyChangeListener​(PropertyChangeListener propertyChangeListener)
        Unregister a property listener for this bean.
        Specified by:
        removePropertyChangeListener in interface javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.DConfigBean
        pcl - Listener to remove.
      • fireXpathEvent

        public void fireXpathEvent​(javax.enterprise.deploy.model.XpathEvent xpe)
        Notification of change from the standard DDBean
        Specified by:
        fireXpathEvent in interface javax.enterprise.deploy.model.XpathListener
        the - change event
      • getXpaths

        public String[] getXpaths()
        Return a list of XPaths designating the deployment descriptor information this DConfigBean requires. A given server vendor will need to specify some server-specific information. Each String returned by this method is an XPath describing a certain portion of the standard deployment descriptor for which there is corresponding server-specific configuration.
        Specified by:
        getXpaths in interface javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.DConfigBean
        a list of XPath Strings representing XML data to be retrieved or 'null' if there are none.
      • extractTextFromXML

        public static String extractTextFromXML​(String key,
                                                String xmlFragment)
        Convenience method extract node value from the passed xml fragment.
        key - the xml tag name
        xml - fragment to extract the tag value
        the xml tag value
      • getXPathToBeanMapping

        protected abstract Map getXPathToBeanMapping()
        the mapping from xpaths to child config beans where the map keys are the xpaths and the values are the class object for the child config beans
      • process

        protected abstract void process()
                                 throws Exception
        evaluate a standard bean
      • getDescriptor

        public abstract Object getDescriptor()
        the associated DOL Descriptor for this config beans
      • getDConfigBeanRoot

        protected javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.DConfigBeanRoot getDConfigBeanRoot()
        the ConfigBeanRoot for this config bean
      • toString

        public String toString()
        toString in class Object
        a meaningful string about myself