Class AutoDeploymentOperation

  • @Service
    public class AutoDeploymentOperation
    extends AutoOperation
    Performs a single auto-deployment operation for a single file.

    Note - Use the newInstance static method to obtain a fully-injected operation; it is safer and more convenient than using the no-arg constructor and then invoking init yourself.

    • Field Detail

      • deplLogger

        public static final Logger deplLogger
    • Constructor Detail

      • AutoDeploymentOperation

        public AutoDeploymentOperation()
    • Method Detail

      • newInstance

        public static AutoDeploymentOperation newInstance​(org.glassfish.hk2.api.ServiceLocator serviceLocator,
                                                          File file,
                                                          String virtualServer,
                                                          String target,
                                                          String contextRoot)
        Creates a fully-injected, ready-to-use AutoDeploymentOperation object.
        serviceLocator -
        file -
        virtualServer -
        target -
        the injected, initialized AutoDeploymentOperation
      • init

        protected AutoDeploymentOperation init​(boolean writeMarkOnDeployed,
                                               File file,
                                               boolean enabled,
                                               String virtualServer,
                                               boolean forceDeploy,
                                               boolean verify,
                                               boolean preJspCompilation,
                                               String target,
                                               String contextRoot)
        Completes the initialization of the object.
        writeMarkOnDeployed -
        file -
        enabled -
        virtualServer -
        forceDeploy -
        verify -
        preJspCompilation -
        target -
        the object itself for convenience
      • getMessageString

        protected String getMessageString​(AutoDeployer.AutodeploymentStatus ds,
                                          File file)
        Returns the appropriate message string for the given operation and the outcome.
        Specified by:
        getMessageString in class AutoOperation
        ds - AutodeploymentStatus value giving the outcome of the operation
        file - file of interest
        message string to be logged
      • markFiles

        protected void markFiles​(AutoDeployer.AutodeploymentStatus ds,
                                 File file)
        Marks the files relevant to the specified file appropriately given the outcome of the command as given in the status.
        Specified by:
        markFiles in class AutoOperation
        ds - AutodeploymentStatus indicating the outcome of the operation
        file - file of interest