Class InterfaceBasedEjbNode<S extends EjbDescriptor>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    EjbEntityNode, EjbSessionNode

    public abstract class InterfaceBasedEjbNode<S extends EjbDescriptor>
    extends EjbNode<S>
    This class is responsible for reading/writing all information common to all EJB which are interfaces based (entity, session)
    Jerome Dochez
    • Constructor Detail

      • InterfaceBasedEjbNode

        public InterfaceBasedEjbNode()
    • Method Detail

      • getDispatchTable

        protected Map getDispatchTable()
        Description copied from class: DeploymentDescriptorNode
        all sub-implementation of this class can use a dispatch table to map xml element to method name on the descriptor class for setting the element value.
        getDispatchTable in class EjbNode<S extends EjbDescriptor>
        the map with the element name as a key, the setter method as a value