Class StructuredDeploymentTracing

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class StructuredDeploymentTracing
    extends Object
    implements AutoCloseable
    Refined deployment tracing facility for structured capture of stages of deployment. The trace consists of multiple , which represent time periods of execution. Stages can be nested. This nesting is represented by TraceContext, where we expect that in the hierarchy there is at most one active context per level. At instantiation time, APPLICATION context is created as top-level one. The process finishes by invoking close(), which finishes the top-level context. There is set of methods that match the interface of former DeploymentTracing class, and methods, that allow spans to be obtained, and then finished by invoking DeploymentSpan.close() method, or via try-with-resources, as they are AutoCloseable.
    Patrik Dudits