Class JavaEEDeployer<T extends Container,​U extends ApplicationContainer>

    • Field Detail

      • habitat

        protected org.glassfish.hk2.api.ServiceLocator habitat
      • undeploymentVisitor

        protected ApplicationVisitor undeploymentVisitor
    • Constructor Detail

      • JavaEEDeployer

        public JavaEEDeployer()
    • Method Detail

      • getModuleClassPath

        protected String getModuleClassPath​(DeploymentContext ctx)
        Returns the classpath associated with this module Can be used to compile generated cmp classes, rmi stubs etc.
        the classpath for this module
      • getCommonClassPath

        protected String getCommonClassPath()
      • loadMetaData

        public <V> V loadMetaData​(Class<V> type,
                                  DeploymentContext dc)
        Loads the meta date associated with the application.
        Specified by:
        loadMetaData in interface Deployer<T extends Container,​U extends ApplicationContainer>
        type - type of metadata that this deployer has declared providing.
        dc - deployment context
        the meta-data of type V
      • prepare

        public boolean prepare​(DeploymentContext dc)
        Prepares the application bits for running in the application server. For certain cases, this is generating non portable artifacts and other application specific tasks. Failure to prepare should throw an exception which will cause the overall deployment to fail.
        Specified by:
        prepare in interface Deployer<T extends Container,​U extends ApplicationContainer>
        dc - deployment context
        true if the prepare phase was successful
      • load

        public U load​(T container,
                      DeploymentContext context)
        Loads a previously prepared application in its execution environment and return a ContractProvider instance that will identify this environment in future communications with the application's container runtime.
        Specified by:
        load in interface Deployer<T extends Container,​U extends ApplicationContainer>
        container - in which the application will reside
        context - of the deployment
        an ApplicationContainer instance identifying the running application
      • getApplicationFromApplicationInfo

        protected Application getApplicationFromApplicationInfo​(String appName)