Interface DistributedReadOnlyBeanNotifier

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface DistributedReadOnlyBeanNotifier
    An instance of DistributedReadOnlyBeanNotifier is used to notify other server instances to refresh a ReadOnly Bean. An instance of ReadOnlyBeanRefreshEventHandler is used to handle requests received from other server instances.
    Mahesh Kannan
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • notifyRefresh

        void notifyRefresh​(long ejbID,
                           byte[] pk)
        This is called by the container after it has called refresh
        ejbID - the ejbID that uniquely identifies the container
        pk - The primary key of the bean(s) that is to be refreshed
      • notifyRefreshAll

        void notifyRefreshAll​(long ejbID)
        This is called by the container after it has called refresh
        ejbID - the ejbID that uniquely identifies the container
        pk - The primary key of the bean(s) that is to be refreshed